
Saturday, 4 June 2011

The Philosopher Stone

Looking back at my last few blog posts, I tried to prove first the existence of God, then the existence of Heaven.

The place called Heaven can be defined as the region around the Earth above the clouds and including the clouds, as distinct from the 'Air' which is the region between the clouds and the ground. These regions are not disputed since all know that the clouds exist. It is also historical fact that they have been described in literature as 'Heaven' or 'the Heavens' and the lower region as 'the Air' (or rather they have been described with words translated into these terms from other, ancient languages).

Now since Heaven is merely a part of what we today call the atmosphere you would think there would be no dispute as to its existence. The dispute and disbelief centers of course around the association between the region and the Creator, God, and those loyal and obedient to Him. In this sense Heaven is regarded as a domain, a Kingdom; 'the Kingdom of God', 'the Kingdom of Heaven'.

To be associated yourself with this kingdom is to be associated with being loyal to God and obedient to His commands, holding to His teachings and His promises, trusting in Him for His salvation.

The Christ described this association and this state of belonging as a state of being to be so much sought after as for the richest treasure; 'the pearl of great price', as He described it. Like being found too, since His parable descriptions of this state included stories about a father seeing a lost, prodigal son return home. A more topical, modern description might be 'the Philosopher Stone'.