Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Revelations of God
So I have looked into the existence of God and found that He does indeed exist, and is a particular person, 'a personal God', who has interacted with people on this planet in the past and present and has made Himself known on a more general level through well known and not so well known religious manifestations. Some of these manifestation are so well documented that almost everyone on the planet has heard of them and many revere them; to Abram, changing his name to Abraham, to Moses when He freed Israel and gave them the Law, to the prophets in Israel over hundreds of years prior to the coming of the Christ, to the Apostles when they spent several years following Jesus Christ and heard God say of Him through the voice of an angel "This is my beloved Son, listen to Him", to the Apostle Paul on the road from Palestine to Damascus when the blinding light accompanied the voice of Jesus from the heavens, to the Apostle John when He gave Him the Revelation of Jesus Christ and to Mohammad when He spoke to him through an angel. In all these occasions the hallmarks of God's identity have been apparent uniting these visitations so that many are sure the same God has been behind them all: The same God though by different Names. In between those times many other events have happened like these but less well known and probably many never known except to those who witnessed them and some which maybe even the recipients might have forgotten such as in dreams. (I've dreamt appearances of God or Jesus Christ at least once but I it might have been more and I might have forgotten before I woke up.)
Always, throughout history, the same God makes Himself known and His hallmarks are clear; the acknowledgment of His Son, Jesus Christ, come from Him with human body, the prominence of His great mercy on one hand and His awesome power on the other, the righteousness of His judgments and His responsibility for having created all things. Say we don't like what He has said or commanded; we still, to be right, have to acknowledge that it is He who has said or commanded it. Some object to His commands and things He has said on particular subjects such as special commands about women or teachings about what is right and wrong sexually or on the rightness of obeying Governments (as long as it doesn't mean disobeying God), etc. Yet it is God who has said what God has said and we are human and He is God. In Christ that divide closed somewhat in that the Christ became human too, yet the Christ, Jesus Christ, more than any body made the special point of reverencing and obeying God, even to death and even to death by crucifixion. "Therefore", it is written, "God has highly exalted Him and given Him a name above every name, that through the Name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess to God" just as through that Name and the authority of that Name of Jesus all of Creation fulfills God's will - trees bloom and planets orbit around stars. This is the way and the power by which God will bring all things together ultimately under the dominion of His Christ, this same Lord Jesus Christ who God has raised from the dead two thousand years ago. And the meaning of that Name is this: "The Lord Saves."