
Wednesday, 31 August 2016

For our Day

Book of Enoch 
 ...table, with every impure and unclean kind of bread upon it. 115. Moreover also all the sheep were blind, and could not see; as were the shepherds likewise. 116. Thus were they delivered up to the shepherds for a great destruction, who trod them under foot, and devoured them. 117. Yet was their Lord silent, until all the sheep in the field were destroyed. The shepherds and the sheep were all mixed together; but they did not save them from the power of the beasts. 118. Then he who wrote the book ascended, exhibited it, and read it at the residence of the Lord of the sheep. He petitioned him for them, and prayed, pointing out every act of the shepherds, and testifying before him against them all. Then taking the book, he deposited it with him, and departed. LXXXIX. 1. And I observed during the time, that thus thirty-seven shepherds were overlooking, all of whom finished in their respective periods as the first. Others then received them into their hands, that they might overlook them in their respective periods, every shepherd in his own period. 2. Afterwards I saw in the vision, that all the birds of heaven arrived; eagles, the avest, kites and ravens. The eagle instructed them all. 3. They began to devour the sheep, to peck out their eyes, and to eat up their bodies. 4. The sheep then cried out; for their bodies were devoured by the birds. 5. I also cried out, and groaned in my sleep against that shepherd which overlooked the flock. 6. And I looked, while the sheep were eaten up by the dogs, by the eagles, and by the kites. They neither left them their body, nor their skin, nor their muscles, until their bones alone remained; until their bones fell upon the ground. And the sheep became diminished. 7. I observed likewise during the time, that twenty-three shepherds were overlooking; who completed in their respective periods fifty-eight periods. 8. Then were small lambs born of those white sheep; who began to open their eyes and to see, crying out to the sheep. 9. The sheep, however, cried not out to them, neither did they hear what they uttered to them; but were deaf, blind, and obdurate in the greatest degrees. 10. I saw in the vision that ravens flew down upon those lambs; 11. That they seized one of them; and that tearing the sheep in pieces, they devoured them. 12. I saw also, that horns grew upon those lambs; and that the ravens lighted down upon their horns. 13. I saw, too, that a large horn sprouted out on an animal among the sheep, and that their eyes were opened. 14. He looked at them. Their eyes were wide open; and he cried out to them. 15. Then the dabela saw him; all of whom ran to him. 16. And besides this, all the eagles, the avest, the ravens and the kites, were still carrying off the sheep, flying down upon them, and devouring them.... The sheep were silent, but the dabela lamented and cried out. 17. Then the ravens contended, and struggled with them. 18. They wished among them to break his horn; but they prevailed not over him. 19. I looked on them, until the shepherds, the eagles, the avest, and the kites came. 20. Who cried out to the ravens to break the horn of the dabela; to contend with him; and to kill him. But he struggled with them, and cried out, that help might come to him. 21. Then I perceived that the man came who had written down the names of the shepherds, and who ascended up before the Lord of the sheep. 22. He brought assistance, and caused every one to see him descending to the help of the dabela. 23. I perceived likewise that the Lord of the sheep came to them in wrath, while all those who saw him fled away; all fell down in his tabernacle before his face; while all the eagles, the avest, ravens, and kites assembled, and brought with them all the sheep of the field. 24. All came together, and strove to break the horn of the dabela. 25. Then I saw, that the man, who wrote the book at the word of the Lord, opened the book of destruction, of that destruction which the last twelve shepherds wrought; and pointed out before the Lord of the sheep, that they destroyed more than those who preceded them.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The Straight and Narrow

 Picking up the cross and following daily is a narrow path that requires ongoing permanent adherence to what God has said and what Jesus and the Holy Spirit and apostles and prophets teach and teachers should teach it too if they know it well enough. This kind of discipleship is more powerful than just reading scripture and transforms our lives of water into lives of wine. Here is where the tough choice to turn from sin and change our ways comes into effect. A pity many churches leave it out of the read and pray curriculum and ignore the fact it is the way to becoming a permanent child of God once the power of the Spirit takes effect. Why a matter of picking up a cross? Because the way has side-effects including persecution and even death at evil hands but it is worth it. What could be worth death? Soul salvation and knowing God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Monday, 29 August 2016

The Greatest Mystery of True Permanence

The permanence of the Son of Man is seen in the effects of His authority and law and customs associated with the name of this Son of Man over Nature which has kept Nature functioning. This association between His name and all of Nature, including stars and planets and life, is a factor tying Jesus, the Son of Man, in with the history of Nature back to its very beginning. So for this Son of Man to become mortal flesh and blood is so mysterious in the design of God who determined it should be. Then it appears that design broke when the soldiers led Jesus to His crucifixion. It meant something broke in the design. This mortal life up until that point had been protected by sovereign power of The Father and angelic forces The Father gave to guard Him in His ways. Yet now this seemed to malfunction and crash. The body so precious of the very Master of all things and all people became a victim and even died. How did this serve God's will? It was the breaking of a body to the good of the friends of Jesus to give them the permanence Jesus had always had with God. Yet this permanence of the Son of Man was not destroyed by His death because God can raise the dead and Jesus was and is God's firstborn son, the only Son begotten by God as distinct from those whom God adopts to be His children, So in fatherly love God raised this Son of Man back to physical life by giving the body that had been mortal a brand new kind of immortality never known before in all creations of God, making Jesus the firstborn from the dead. The permanence of the Son of Man was preserved at this weakest point in His entire history - the point of death - and will therefore ever be preserved by the love and power of God His true Father. This God is thus Father to all those He adopts whose life eternal comes to them through His Son, Jesus the Christ, Isa al-Mashir.

Permanence in the Christ

Permanence is never fully seen until you see it in Jesus the Christ, Messiah, Isa al-Masih. First the Book of Enoch showed the Son of Man with God in ancient times to be the Jesus Christ who said of Himself that He is the Son of Man. Then Jesus says of Himself "Before Abraham was I am". Then the Spirit says in us now what He said in Enoch, then in John with the first chapter of his gospel book, that the life of the Universe is obeying constantlt the name, authority, customs and laws, teachings, commands of the Lordship of Jesus. So it must have been always doing so since it started. Then the stars and planets in orbits do the same so this goes back to the beginning a the permanence of Jesus likewise. Then He says in Revelation through John "I was dead and behold I am alive forever" so this is the greatest permanence you ever knew. And Jesus says God only takes permanent household members. So freedom from wrongdoing must be permanently granted as God bathes us in truth to make it so - the true and permanent words from God the Father's mouth.

God and His Growing Family

The real nature of God, and Jesus Christ preached this constantly it seems during His earthly ministry, is fatherliness. Jesus before being slain for the will of God and because of His truthful testimony, explained that The Father, called by many God, brings children into His family as permanent children only. Really God adopts but He does not foster. He does have children and they live amongst us and He wants them noticed and cared for and loved but He brings in more and more children as brothers and sisters for the one son He begot and did not adopt, Jesus. As the family grows it means those brought into it are saved from the doom outside it. They are washed and made pure by the words God has spoken that identify the wrongs in us and the work of Jesus and The Holy Spirit now sent among us is to purefy us from these wrongs. From deception and hateful killing or desire to kill, from immorality and paganism and most of all from hatred of God that distrusts and lovelessly fears to follow His word. God saves by His spoken words of truth applied by Son and Spirit and now by each other too as we learn to wash each other's feet.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Cleansing from Sin According to Christ's Teachings

There is an ordered approach to cleansing from sin: 1. Cleanse away unbelief and loveless fear that rejects Jesus' teachings; 2. Cleanse away distrust of truthfulness and practice of lying; 3. cleanse away hatred and sinfully bad anger management and love of killing and murder; (here love and recognition of the other believers must come into the picture) 4. cleanse away sexual immorality in various forms and this can be a matter of assembly or other group discipline; 5. cleanse away all paganism such as idolatry and magic (Wikka being one modern aspect but there are others and it might be a local matter depending where you are). Ref John 8, Eph 4-5, Rev 21-22. Note, though, the first apostles spoke and wrote by the Holy Spirit and did not merely present an ordered list of sins to repent of and leave it at that. They agreed on these sins as being typical sins to be cleansed away (in Galatians Paul didn't call them sins so much as fruit of the flesh) in sanctification by the Spirit and the words of God.
If we can then we should break away from the sins listed as particularly evil and do what is the alternative good - so if we tend to lie we can focus on telling the truth so we get less room for lying and if we get hateful when angry we can focus on filling our prayers with intercession for those who anger us and try to do good to them and all the more to believers. But the whole thing about sins is that they enslave so focusing always on all of Christ's teachings or as much as we can remember and understand of them and likewise on teachings and leadings of the Holy Spirit and Christ's workers is how to engage the promise of receiving truth from Christ that sets us free from such slavery. Then keeping on with this even after freedom comes is how to stay 'in Christ' and 'bear fruit'.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Better to fear God than fear Religion

Ancient Sumerian Enoch saw The Son of Man, a humanlike spirit always there with God The Lord of Spirits and we have knowledge of this Son of Man since He came as flesh and blood human and they named Him Jesus and recognised Him as the foretold Christ. This Jesus taught to fear God as one with power over each one after death.

Despise Not Prophesying

Do not despise prophesying. There is a fear amongst Christians of prayer and spoken or written acclamations about God which do not mention Jesus. God is the Father in and of Himself and when praise is addressed to Him it is no less true than praise or acclamation that includes Christ the Son of God too. Some even go as far as to exclude mention of God the Father in praise and prayer but if you praise Jesus you should praise the God and Father of Jesus who sent Him. God has His special number seven and His days of the week make the work days six and the rest day the seventh. Do not despise the number thirteen though because this is a special number for the Son of God whose Apostles numbered twelve and He their Master the thirteenth. Some despised things amongst Christians should not be despised. Prophecy is a gift given to many believers and not to be despised by Christians or by Muslims. Just because there were past prophets does not mean there cannot be present and future prophets too. Likewise apostles.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Six Plus One Equals Seven

With time and teaching by spirit given by the Pantocrat, Almighty God, The Father, it can be discerned, if God is feared while learning, that six plus one to make seven is a kind of hallmark or signature in many important matters of spirit to show that God is behind it. Pleides constellation called Seven Sisters has awesome celestial complexities where seven bright light sources are formed in how the component stars and associated stellar clouds are grouped and can be seen by telescopes like Hubble to have such eerie spirit-like appearance especially one light source IC349, the Reflection Nebula. That turns out to be because these are spirits influencing the stellar material and especially the main light source which looks as spiritual as it is. There is a danger of becoming spirit seeking star gazers here so beware but the Book of Enoch does seem to say much about what is behind the phenomenon. The six plus one appears in our week of six days of human work plus one day of godly rest. There are groups of volcanoes where six is grouped with one as a sign (I think those around Cotopaxi are shown to be sigbificant in this way). Seven hills of Rome mark it for special judgment. The six of the seven number is significant in that in the case of the week it is the human element. The seventh belongs to God but the six to man as man's part. This is a component of the mysterious 666 sign in Lord Jesus' own Revelation book. All this is spiritually understood and needs faith to appreciate. Most of all there are seven spirits that flow like a sevenfold star or a seven stem light stand from the throne and there churches are depicted as sevenfold too.

Acknowledgments with gratitude:

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Whether, Who, What, Where God is

Some are certain whether God is. Some can be certain who God is. Some can be certain to some extent what God is. If God enabled them there are some who can be certain where God is. It all depends on God. Really it all actually depends on His Son, Jesus, because the certainty and real knowledge of all this comes about because of what The Christ, The Lord, Jesus says and does. That is if you are after real certainty about all this. Then the hug, the smile, all something precious and God-given. God taught it and He practices what He preaches. Still He wants us to know Him and apparently to know where He lives or at least have a good idea where He lives because He gave a strong hint of it very early on in mankind's history.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Jesus Judges by Truth

Jesus judges people by truth. He judged one individual by prophetically detailing their sins. This was to give them life by showing what was their true liability for judgment that might come unless they changed. He judged the faith of the masses by measuring their faith against the faith of a Gentile. In both cases He declared the truth about people. He highlighted sin and falling short, especially showing that some outsiders put normally religiously respected to shame. He was highlighting truth over and above moral reputation and status given by society because society exalts people unfairly with bias compared to truth of God. He was not condoing sin but putting into true perspective and bringing hidden truth about people into the light. There would be a fair start under His auspices and judgment based on truth. This is not to condone wrong doing and failings but to put truth first before prejudice. Then judgment that follows is after a fair chance to put things right in the light of that truth before time is called. Once that chance is exceeded and mercy extended there is judgment to follow if the wrong remains unchanged. To change there is hope of liberating power to change when truth is known from the truthful witness Lord Jesus the Christ.
In John 8 we have a full account of how Jesus said to a woman caught in adultery that He did not at this point condemn her but that she must remember and obey the command He gave her to go and leave her life of sin. On the whole it seems many who heard Him did do so. To one man Jesus healed it says Jesus told him to stop sinning or something worse would happen to him than what he was healed of. First there is truth given. This comes with extended time for change (grace). The change must come or else there is judgment. The need exists to live according to truth once we have true knowledge from Jesus of the truth that applies to us. You can probably find within you reason enough to believe that Jesus of Nazareth is who He is, and He was and He will be, and you just need to allow your mind to rest on sensible belief and not let yourself lose that balanced viewpoint. It is like a spinning top - if spun well it might topple but it comes back to being upright and stable all the time it spins. If spun so badly it topples too much it will go out of equilibrium so far it falls and does not recover. Moving towards and reaching that equilibrium from which you stay upright is a picture of the kind of faith Jesus described as recorded in John 8.
So, first be sure in your own mind that Jesus really is the Christ. It might take a while to find that certainty so just be sure you are sure and take time about it. The important thing is to have real permanent certainty and not waver in it so it needs time to understand. For me it helped to seek the spiritual certainty that is almost mystical in its own right so it helps if you know about spirit inspired teachings, just that you need to understand this teaching is spirit in the sense of coming from the highest spirit of all. The spiritual teaching is that Jesus existed as a powerfull spirit called the Son of Man over all spirits except the most high spirit before He came in flesh and blood. You need to seek certainty and understanding about this above all other understanding. As you foster such belief start to hold to the teachings He gave as coming from this Son of Man and from the most high spirit who sent Him. Let this take precedence over any other understanding. Keep at it. The big main thing is possibly a common teaching across the board with many religions and this is to get to know the most high spirit. The person who makes that happen is the only firstborn son of the most high spirit. Mainly by what He taught and accomplished or so I find as these are what made knowing this most high God within reach for me.

Why Believe?

Why believe there is an immense deep underground void magma chamber within the heart of a mountain or dormant volcano on Earth housing the most powerful spirits in the Universe including the most powerful of all, The Father, and His flesh and blood Son, Jesus the Christ? Because thousands of years ago these spirits showed all this to a human Sumerian ruler Enmendurana and since two thousand years ago until this day the Holy Spirit from the Throne in this place has revealed similar things to believers. The exaltation of the name of this Son of Man whose father is The Father, most high of all spirits, is continuing around the world to this day, promoted by this Holy Spirit. Soon He the Christ will fill the Earth with the knowledge of His glory and fight all rulers for the supremacy that is His, that His Father gives Him because He obediently died on that cross and let God then on the third day raise Him up from death, the Resurrection to live forever who leads many into the way of doing what is right.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Enoch's Visions of Attacks from the Sky

The Book of Enoch seems even more relevant to our times as events unfold today and drones are used more and more in attacks. The dreams of Enoch show such things happening more and more up until the coming of Jesus Christ for His intervention. Sheep are the depiction of the disciples and victims of such attacks while birds of prey depict the attacking forces. Eventually sheep grow horns though and one sheep in particular grows a horn the attacking forces try in vain to prevent it growing. A strong wespon against attacks is developed too - a strong sword. Christ will take over the use of this sword. As time cones toward a final judgment the horns of the sheep becone prominent and the tables turn and Christ brings a mighty judgment in which a lake of magma opens up in the Earth for the Lake of Fire judgment and a new house takes prominence as replacement for the old house and the home of righteousness nearly overflows with righteous saints. Up to this end time a leader prevails over eagle and hawk (drone) attacks who cannot be suppressed by them before the Christ comes in His second coming. While the eagles and ravens struggle with this leader the Christ will come, helping him.

Ref:  The Book of Enoch chapter 89:19-22 "I looked on them, until the shepherds, the eagles, the avest, and the kites came. Who cried out to the ravens to break the horn of the dabela; to contend with him; and to kill him. But he struggled with them, and cried out, that help might come to him. Then I perceived that the man came who had written down the names of the shepherds, and who ascended up before the Lord of the sheep. He brought assistance, and caused every one to see him descending to the help of the dabela."

Xudan Îsa

Li pelên darê ji binêrin. Darên ku mezin dibin, sêvik. Ew mezin dibin, sêvik, ji ber ku bi navê Xudan Îsa, Mesîh.

Inactive Volcano Magma Chambers?

Inactive Volcano Magma Chambers?

Enoch chapter 14 verses 8 and following  "8. And the vision was shown to me thus: Behold, in the vision clouds invited me and a mist summoned me, and the course of the stars and the lightnings sped and hastened me, and the winds in the vision caused me to fly and lifted me upward, and bore me into heaven. 9. And I went in till I drew nigh to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire: and it began to affright me. And I went into the tongues of fire and drew nigh to a large house which was built of crystals: and the walls of the house were like a tesselated floor (made) of crystals, and its groundwork was of crystal. 11. Its ceiling was like the path of the stars and the lightnings, and between them were fiery cherubim, and their heaven was (clear as) water. 12. A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its portals blazed with fire. 13. And I entered into that house, and it was hot as fire and cold as ice: there were no delights of life therein: fear covered me, and trembling got hold upon me. 14. And as I quaked and trembled, I fell upon my face. 15. And I beheld a vision, And lo! there was a second house, greater than the former, and the entire portal stood open before me, and it was built of flames of fire. 16. And in every respect it so excelled in splendour and magnificence and extent that I cannot describe to you its splendour and its extent. 17. And its floor was of fire, and above it were lightnings and the path of the stars, and its ceiling also was flaming fire. 18. And I looked and saw ⌈⌈therein⌉⌉ a lofty throne: its appearance was as crystal, and the wheels thereof as the shining sun, and there was the vision of cherubim. 19. And from underneath the throne came streams of flaming fire so that I could not look thereon. 20. And the Great Glory sat thereon, and His raiment shone more brightly than the sun and was whiter than any snow. 21. None of the angels could enter and could behold His face by reason of the magnificence and glory and no flesh could behold Him. 22. The flaming fire was round about Him, and a great fire stood before Him, and none around could draw nigh Him: ten thousand times ten thousand (stood) before Him, yet He needed no counselor. 23. And the most holy ones who were nigh to Him did not leave by night nor depart from Him. 24. And until then I had been prostrate on my face, trembling: and the Lord called me with His own mouth, and said to me: 'Come hither, Enoch, and hear my word.' 25. ⌈And one of the holy ones came to me and waked me⌉, and He made me rise up and approach the door: and I bowed my face downwards."

More Than an All-seeing Eye

To many, God is just the One who sees all they do, watching from afar, ensuring wrong actions and thoughts and words are punished. The world around us is for some people full of cameras to watch us because of wrong doing. What a pity when God is so much more as a father is so much more potentially than a punisher and supervisor. God can be a fellow and a shielder. He can be a next door neighbour. He can give comfort and wise counsel like no other. He has a precious beloved Son who He raised from the dead having sent Him to provide us with a sacrifice to seal a new covenant. His Son can mediate between us and God and between God and us to provide partnership in life with God and the promise of visits from time to time of the Holy Spirit from God who establishes us as a family or household of God with true permanence. This is if we put our wrong doing aside and grow to love God more and more and love those He sends.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Reality in Rome

Just spending a vacation in Rome and how it helps focus the mind on the certainties of what I have all  my life read in new testament scriptures about Peter and Paul having finished their earthly days in this life in Rome before being killed here for their testimony about Jesus Christ. Here we find the buried bones of Peter's body. Here too the place of execution of Paul. The games here were place of  execution of many such early believers like them. It all aids the mind to realise that this was very real history and the resurection of Jesus Christ must have taken place for these Apostles to have come here to Rome two thousand years ago. Some of their writings written here survived as scripture in the Bible. All reality. Thanks God who too is real.

Saturday, 13 August 2016


The good struggle versus the bad struggle. The struggle is against believing. This is hopefully a losing battle. Then when that battle gets lost the struggle is against Him making us holy. Hopefully a losing battle. We start to lose this battle too and the struggle is to be holy and stay holy as others kick against it. Knowing Him helps this struggle. The unwillngness to spoil His holiness He eventually produces in us becomes a struggle against the world that tries to bring us down and make us unholy again. The Angel of the Lord surrounds in this struggle those who fear Him. When His Angel encamps around us, when we have been victorious in the struggle against the world which tries to turn us from God, when we fear only God enough that His command overrides all worldly commands to the contrary, then we might prove it to all that Daniel 3:29 is true that there is no other God who can deliver us the way God The Father delivers us.

Monday, 8 August 2016

The Father

God is so fatherly. Scary at times when we do wrong but so consistently loving. Amazing that Father God and Lord Jesus are still preaching today the same things they preached thousands of years ago. Israel in ancient times got to know God's fatherly consistent love and sterner side as we see in this passage from Hosea but God gives grace that lets even Gentiles too now know His same true self today: from Hosea chapter 6
"Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him, and he will respond to us as surely as the coming of dawn or the rain of early spring.’”
"O Ephraim and Judah, what shall I do with you? For your love vanishes like morning clouds, and disappears like dew. I sent my prophets to warn you of your doom; I have slain you with the words of my mouth, threatening you with death. Suddenly, without warning, my judgment will strike you as surely as day follows night."
"I don’t want your sacrifices—I want your love; I don’t want your offerings—I want you to know me."

Sunday, 7 August 2016

See the Goodness of God

What we might think of as a challenge to the belief that God is good is sometimes just the result of people not loving Him as they should. Here is scripture from Hosea 8 (Living Bible)
"Sound the alarm! They are coming! Like a vulture, the enemy descends upon the people of God because they have broken my treaty and revolted against my laws. Now Israel pleads with me and says, ‘Help us, for you are our God!’ But it is too late! Israel has thrown away her chance with contempt, and now her enemies will chase her. She has appointed kings and princes, but not with my consent. They have cut themselves off from my help by worshiping the idols that they made from their silver and gold."
We can choose to love God as individuals so we have the promises of Jesus - love Him with a pure heart and keep away from idols like manmade objects of obsession and worship and ritual and then we will see God and see for ourselves that He is good. We can also love God as a people so He makes us His people and then as a people turn from idols and put God first and involve God in chosing our leaders and again we will find He is good and recieve grace from Him. Putting God alongside idols as either individuals in folly or as people all fools together and we find God is not just good but jealous and idols hide the goodness and reveal God as a jealous God and as we forget God in chosing leaders He shows us what it is like when He turns away and we see the evils come near as leaders are attacked in the streets with weapons and plagues come. Choose. Love God and turn from idols and see the goodness of God.
I didn't know how real the prophecies were such as those in the Hebrew scripture book of Hosea except that I had an experience of almost identical prophecy coming to me once as I meditated about what to say that day at church. It was like a announcement in a TV News program, unexpected and out of the blue. I didn't even realise it was so much like Hosea 8 at the time because I didn't have any familiarity with that scripture. God is really the same God who spoke those prophecies and evidently can say the same sort of thing today: He has not changed at all.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Turning Water into Wine

God acts on nature at such a level that He can determine or predetermine the outcome of anything that is subject to chance so anything can happen the way He wants it to happen in the natural world at that level. Hence water into wine. Given this it is clear our hearts could stop or we could cease to exist physically speaking if He determined it but it is in His goodness He maintains things as they are so we have peace in our minds. Only in exceptional occassions does He disrupt the natural order He has created. When He does so it is seen as a miracle but it is also revealing things about God in a special way and is a message from God Himself to all who can discern it: Like water into wine.

Monday, 1 August 2016

East and West and South but also Heaven

There will always be three parts to this world no matter how strong one part becomes - West, South and East. The secret is to embrace a fourth - that is Heaven - not far from you because it is in amongst the three. Obey your rulers but also find room first to love and obey the God of Heaven.