
Monday, 29 August 2016

God and His Growing Family

The real nature of God, and Jesus Christ preached this constantly it seems during His earthly ministry, is fatherliness. Jesus before being slain for the will of God and because of His truthful testimony, explained that The Father, called by many God, brings children into His family as permanent children only. Really God adopts but He does not foster. He does have children and they live amongst us and He wants them noticed and cared for and loved but He brings in more and more children as brothers and sisters for the one son He begot and did not adopt, Jesus. As the family grows it means those brought into it are saved from the doom outside it. They are washed and made pure by the words God has spoken that identify the wrongs in us and the work of Jesus and The Holy Spirit now sent among us is to purefy us from these wrongs. From deception and hateful killing or desire to kill, from immorality and paganism and most of all from hatred of God that distrusts and lovelessly fears to follow His word. God saves by His spoken words of truth applied by Son and Spirit and now by each other too as we learn to wash each other's feet.