
Thursday, 25 August 2016

Six Plus One Equals Seven

With time and teaching by spirit given by the Pantocrat, Almighty God, The Father, it can be discerned, if God is feared while learning, that six plus one to make seven is a kind of hallmark or signature in many important matters of spirit to show that God is behind it. Pleides constellation called Seven Sisters has awesome celestial complexities where seven bright light sources are formed in how the component stars and associated stellar clouds are grouped and can be seen by telescopes like Hubble to have such eerie spirit-like appearance especially one light source IC349, the Reflection Nebula. That turns out to be because these are spirits influencing the stellar material and especially the main light source which looks as spiritual as it is. There is a danger of becoming spirit seeking star gazers here so beware but the Book of Enoch does seem to say much about what is behind the phenomenon. The six plus one appears in our week of six days of human work plus one day of godly rest. There are groups of volcanoes where six is grouped with one as a sign (I think those around Cotopaxi are shown to be sigbificant in this way). Seven hills of Rome mark it for special judgment. The six of the seven number is significant in that in the case of the week it is the human element. The seventh belongs to God but the six to man as man's part. This is a component of the mysterious 666 sign in Lord Jesus' own Revelation book. All this is spiritually understood and needs faith to appreciate. Most of all there are seven spirits that flow like a sevenfold star or a seven stem light stand from the throne and there churches are depicted as sevenfold too.

Acknowledgments with gratitude: