
Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Be Baptised

A baptised believer dies to sin and, risen out of commitment to sin, is able to offer themselves to belong to God and be led by the Spirit of God.
Baptism as an induction was not unique to Jesus. It is what you are inducted into and who that matters. Baptism into the teachings and 'name' ('name' being reputation and honour but also teachings, laws, commands, traditions and customs; see Wikipedia article on 'nomos') of Jesus is only unique insofaras Jesus is unique. Jesus had and has real authority in His name, as the miracles show. Other rabbis in the time Jesus was publicly teaching gave teachings the same as His, like that about praying in secret not for men to see but towards God. Jesus did live a real life in real times with real context and presented what He knew intimately of God 'The Father' to people who already had teachers who weren't all that bad and knew their stuff too. Even 'Messiah' is not reserved by God for Jesus alone but was also used to describe Cyrus as a Prince appointed by God to save His People. What is unique about Jesus is "Before Abraham was, I AM". And He will be forever as God's firstborn over all creation who before He came was with God at the very start of ALL creation. Who will be with God forever. From of old even from everlasting. Whose Kingdom and Throne will endure forever. Who will ever get to sit on God's throne with God the Father. Who was therefore unique in being sacrificed by the Father for sins of the world.