We must imitate what is good; not what is evil in churches and church and synagogue and mosque history. I hate it that there are teachers that teach we are all children of God and can hope for the best if we just carry on living like we always did with no need to change or need to think there is any judgment to be feared in the future because Jesus taught differently - you find what Jesus taught in Gospel of John chapter 8 that if we lie we are children of the father of lies who is Satan and those who sin are slaves to sin and need to be set free if they are to become children of God with real hope - you have to actually stop lying and let the truth set you free from sinning and believe there is Jesus alive today to set you free or else you will die in your sins. I hope churches will teach this instead of the usual lies and their hearers will be saved from their delusions. But some will carry on. Some will perish who have deserted the truth and the means to truth - Jesus Christ's teachings and name. There will be a lake of fire.