My reading of prophecies like Revelation 11 suggests to me Jerusalem decades from now could be as bad as Sodom - temple rebuilt in it - decadent - like Egypt meaning believers have very tough time there - High Priest using power wickedly - 'Wicked Priest' - 'Man of Lies' - 'Man of Lawlessness' - meanwhile 'Beast' empire world power rising - occupies Jerusalem to some extent (or agents are there or influence) - sheep are unfaithful because they do not sanctify God or the temple - sheep are blind (Enoch's dream) - possibly a sheep becomes warlike - Enoch's dream's 'ram' (dabela) - world tries to prevent it gaining power - two witmesses appear and prophesy frustrating things and bring God's judgments like Elijah did - people vexed - Beast agents kill the witnesses - world events cataclysmic as end approaching - witnesses resurrected and ascend - Wicked Priest frustrated by the witnesses ascending - all a sign of the coming demise of Wicked Priest and the Beast at the coming of Christ - terrible earthqiake splits Jerusalem into three - terrible judgments commence on Beast empire but it continues to rise - it instigates reign of oppression of believers - Second Beast rises - 666 not far away - tribulation times for believers but wicked dying constantly in apocalyptic plagues and judgments as God starts their massive scale removal - all could be by 2060 AD - leading up to return of Christ - ram sheep under great pressure but is saved as Christ returns - resurrection - Beast and Wicked Priest destroyed by word of Christ at His return - start of a thousand years of judgments by Christ on whole earth - all happening probably by 2200 AD.