
Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Detail of Calculating Holy Timeline of History
Creation of Adam 3940 BC
3940 BC is the start of 'week' 1 where 'week' is 700 364-day years
Flood c2600-2640 BC
'week' 2 end 2640 BC
Abraham c1900-1850 BC
'week' 3 end 1850 BC
Law c1200-1150 BC
'week' 4 end 1150 BC
Temple completed 500-450 BC
'week' 5 end 450 BC
Ascension between 450 BC and 250 AD
'week' 6 end 250 AD
The Final Judgement between 2940 and 3040 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)
'week' 10 end 3040 AD

Return of Christ between 1940 and 2040