Heavenly tablets seen by the Sumerian prophet Enoch who was taught a 364 day year by archangel Uriel give a clear (perhaps clearest and most reliable) chronology of all world history. It is set out in seven period chunks of time which can be determined with good confidence to be seven hundred years long and most likely 364-day years. There were ten such periods called 'weeks' when translated into English. Several such weeks had significant events at their close. One week helps us determine the complete chronology because it forms part of another much later prophecy of Daniel which also uses weeks to describe periods with seven equal slots plus secular history helps with sanity checking this event: the decree by Artaxerxes to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem which Daniel tells us marks 483 years before the killing (cutting off) of the Christ. This can therefore be estimated with good confidence to be 458 BC. Then when we apply the Enoch weeks (698 years long) we get this very enlightening chronology:
Creation of Adam 3948 BC
Flood 2552 BC
Abraham 1854 BC
Law 1156 BC
Temple decree of Artaxerxes 458 BC
a man ascends
week 7 ends 240 AD
week 8 ends 1636 AD
week 9 ends 2334 AD
The Final Judgement 3032 AD
But note too that it (Book of Enoch) says "in the tenth week in the seventh part" so 3032 is the latest this could be and anytime between 2933 and 3032 would be in the seventh part of the tenth week. It is just that Jesus has not yet returned (He did say it might be at the eleventh hour - just before the latest time it could be) so His return could been in line with this prophesy at anytime from 1933 to 2032 AD - yet quite a lot needs to happen apocalytically first and there is little time left to keep in accord with the heavenly books from which Enoch was recounting.
Creation of Adam 3948 BC
Flood 2552 BC
Abraham 1854 BC
Law 1156 BC
Temple decree of Artaxerxes 458 BC
a man ascends
week 7 ends 240 AD
week 8 ends 1636 AD
week 9 ends 2334 AD
The Final Judgement 3032 AD
But note too that it (Book of Enoch) says "in the tenth week in the seventh part" so 3032 is the latest this could be and anytime between 2933 and 3032 would be in the seventh part of the tenth week. It is just that Jesus has not yet returned (He did say it might be at the eleventh hour - just before the latest time it could be) so His return could been in line with this prophesy at anytime from 1933 to 2032 AD - yet quite a lot needs to happen apocalytically first and there is little time left to keep in accord with the heavenly books from which Enoch was recounting.