
Friday, 13 July 2018

Sons of God (Part 2)

Regarding the chief angels it was written “All of you are sons of the Most High” Psalm 82:6
Constantinian Christians stripped out the supernatural meaning of Psalm 82 verse 6 and substituted their prefered Trinitarianism philosophical ideas which fitted with Greek and Roman philosophies and theologies.  But the roots of Genesis and Job reveal the ancient worldview that was taught by Noah. The Book of Enoch being translated into English has helped improve the original understanding of the archangels as sons of God and what it means to be a son of God. Sumerian texts from Noah’s time have highlighted how ancient the “sons of God” reference is in Genesis 6 and how Genesis’ flood narrative ties so tightly to ancient texts influenced by Noah himself such as the Epic of Gilgamesh. These are a foundation to the proper meaning of the Messiah when He spoke about being a son of God like other sons of God, deities.