Book of Tobit 12:15 ‘“I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels, which present the prayers of the saints, and which go in and out before the glory of the Holy One.”’
Gospel of Luke 1:18-20 ‘Zechariah said to the angel, “What proof is there for this? I’m an old man, and my wife is beyond her childbearing years.” The angel answered him, “I’m Gabriel! I stand in God’s presence. God sent me to tell you this good news. But because you didn’t believe what I said, you will be unable to talk until the day this happens. Everything will come true at the right time.”’
Of all the angels it is the seven foremost archangels who have the honour of ministering in the very throne chamber of Almighty God, hence what Gabriel told Zechariah the father of John the Baptist and what Raphael told Tobit. So you don’t want to be ignoring or disrespecting or disbelieving one of these archangels. Surely that applies to writings of their words too, such as in scriptures some have the boldness to call ‘apocryphal’ as if to rashly say such scriptures can be safely ignored.
It was among some of these seven archangels that the Son of Man was revealed in the visions seen by the prophet Daniel. This Son of Man was among these who could enter into the throne chamber of God.