
Wednesday, 3 October 2018

A New World is Emerging

There was an ancient Sumerian king who was a great prophet and teacher about God and this Enoch (Enmendurana, seventh world king) saw the Son of Man long before this same Son of Man came as a human baby boy and grew to an adult we call Jesus of Nazareth. This Jesus (Yeshu, Yeshua, Isa) said it is not flesh that makes us children of Abraham but spirit. Children of Satan lie and hate. Children of Abraham put lying far from their mouths. This is what the Son of Man taught when He came. Then He died for us to set us free from lying and hating. The freedom from sinning comes when the true message that He died for you enters your heart and teaches you repentance (turning from such things). So keeping the Law of Moses and related teachings (Torah) is not all there is to it for the Jew and is not imposed upon the non-Jew. Saul of Tarsus kept that Law (Torah) better than most and had everything to help him do so (like the most famous master of the Law, Gamaliel to teach him). Yet still Saul hated followers of Yeshu (Jesus) of Nazareth and effectively showed hatred towards God and God’s Son by doing so. Then the Son of Man transformed him and we have the Apostle Paul. So Enoch tells it well thousands of years in advance what the Son of Man would be as a way to be saved but it is all so much more certain now that the Son of Man has come in flesh and blood, crucified and risen. As the chief apostle of Jesus, Peter put it (2 Peter 1:19) “... and we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.“ So we can receive prophecy as a gift from God confirmed by this coming of Jesus. Today God still speaks and says “Israel has sinned” and we see world events unfolding as a sign of the faithfulness of God’s prophetic word. We should love this God, this Father, with all our hearts as we see the events unfold and prophecy fulfilled. The US spy planes and other spying agencies take to the skies while below the Iranian and Balkan and Iraqi conflicts have taken many to destruction and a new order emerges to be an empire of tomorrow like combinations of the empires of the distant past. We can take these things as signs of the truth of the prophecies and write God’s prophetic words as notices in our households and shout them from rooftop and social media site. The love towards this one God Yahweh, the Father, proclaimed by the Son, is a way towards the elimination of sin from among the Israel of God and all of us who believe as we give God’s commands priority in all aspects of our lives and set them on both our lips and our hearts.