Considering why the prophet Enoch (in the Book of Enoch) focussed in his writings so much on the righteous Anointed One of faith being the Son of Man: As a son of man, eternal, yet like a young man in nature, the Son of Man can be gentle of heart and kind towards humans and forgive those who cannot repay their debts to His Father, God. Yet this cuts both ways because as the Son of Man made flesh (Jesus, Isa, Yeshu) said of the ones so forgiven who go out and torture those in much smaller debt to them, once the time comes for the Son of Man to review the situation He may well punish such former debtors by forcing them to repay their own debt to God formerly forgiven by Him. So what does this say about God’s character in giving this Son of Man authority over other humans to both forgive and judge? In doing so God provides humans with the very best just opportunity to receive mercy through someone of gentle sympathy to fellow humans whilst making any judgement that is yet incurred by the unmerciful in no way undeserved or overly harsh. This shows God in providing judgement provides the most tender and gentle form of judgement overall but not falling short of overall justice to the victim of merciless judgement by humans. This favours the poor and the victims while maintaining fairness and sternness when punishment is warranted.