There have been many angels called at various times sons of God but only one heavenly being has always been singled out as “like a son of man” because He is particularly human and humbly so, as one who needs to learn from God. God called Ezekiel Son of Man as a term of endearment and as reminder that Ezekiel needed to humbly learn as a human the things of God and God could use Ezekiel’s firsthand knowledge to assign him tasks of being involved in the judgement of humans. In the experiences of Daniel, it was as human to human (fellow man) that the Son of Man laid a hand on the shoulder of Daniel to reassure him as he struggled to come to terms with heavenly things. Because He is Son of Man He can relate to humans and properly understand them because though heavenly in origin He is so like humans and was so before becoming flesh and while flesh and still now that He is the first immortal resurrected human. So there is no reason He should not also judge humans since He can do so sympathetically with true understanding. God wants it to be humans who judge humans so there can be true sympathy and understanding and no excuse for humans being judged. The ultimate holy human is the Son of Man, designated as Anointed One by God - of righteousness and faith. He has only ever learned from God as a human learns, even before becoming flesh when His humanness still back then singled Him out from angels. So He is able to teach humans those things He has learned since He knows what it is to learn from God as a human being. We should dwell on this. There is only and ever will be only one true Son of Man in heaven sent to live a life in the flesh and die for the sins of the world and rise again and live forever to judge and to save.