Before the scriptures written by the New Testament writers the previous scriptures only hint that the Son of Man was a living man-like being before becoming flesh as that baby in Bethlehem. Daniel gives a glimmer of Him as a living man who spoke to Daniel and put a hand on his shoulder and was later struggling against angelic enemies and there are other hints at the Son of Man’s “goings forth from most ancient times” but in the Book of Enoch there is no question about it - the Son of Man was personally seen by Enoch and Enoch was taken up to Him and this Son of Man, the book tells us, was there with God hidden away before creation. So we see what Jesus meant by “Before Abraham was born, I am”. Here in the Son of Man proclaimed by Enoch we see what it is that someone has eternal life. And this Son of Man is still aive today and, He tells us, “alive forever”. And all because the Father gives Him life and raised Him from the dead. Letting what He truly is sink in, He becomes YOUR eternal life too.