
Sunday, 11 November 2018

The Leopard


Which leopard? The Hellenisers. The Hellenism that subjugated the Romans long before the Vandals sacked Rome. The Hellenisers took over Constantinople too and through it took over the world with their philosophies. They subverted the churches not just in Europe but everywhere. This leopard grew its spots in the days before Alexander the Great conquered the world. Daniel foresaw this leopard and Jesus showed John (in Revelation) how it would return as part of a new Beast. The Maccabbees lamented at how bad this leaopard was in subverting the Jews and setting up the abomination that causes desolation in the Temple of God. The Hellenisers made Jews fearful of staying true to their faith by forcing the masses to participate in social mass events that undermined Jewish religion. Jesus warned the abomination would return. The effects of the abominable Hellenisers continued and grew in the centuries after Christ ascended until their teachings were considered more Christian than Christ’s teachings. These guys and those who followed them stripped the truth of the Book of Enoch and history of Nephilim away from the churches.