The Book of Enoch has a surprising prophecy about Diaspora Jews in the Middle Ages. Chapter 93 goes through some of the ten ‘week’ periods of history as God had written in heaven, as Enoch was allowed to see it before it happened. In ‘week’ seven there is apostasy then: “and at its end the chosen righteous from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen to be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation”. It seems the ‘weeks’ started in 3900 BC and each week is seven hundred years, making week seven 300 to 1000 AD. The prophecies of Enoch centre on the Jews so, if this analysis is correct it would mean Jewish apostasy from 300 to 1000 AD but also a surge in learning encompassing all of creation and an electoral system of promoting promising students to receive special insight in what is learned. We do see this in the Jewish establishment in Babylon of the Geonic Academies led by the chosen Gaon. So 300 to 1000 AD is evidently ‘week’ seven of Enoch’s ten ‘week’ prophecy, therefore 1000 to 3100 AD must be weeks eight, nine and ten. So the final judgement prophesied for the last part of week ten will happen in the 31st century. So we are in the century in which will begin a Millennium judgment reign of the Messiah before that final judgement of every soul.
Saturday, 29 December 2018
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Week Seven
Book of Enoch 93:10 possibly has a surprising fulfilment in the Babylonian Diaspora of the Jews in the Middle Ages. A reminder of this verse: the passage is going through successive seven-part ‘week’ periods of history as God had written in heaven that Enoch was allowed to see before it happened and the passage has reached ‘week’ seven having mentioned apostasy during week seven: “and at its end [week seven] the Chosen Righteous from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen to be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation”. I calculate the weeks started in 3900 BC and each week is seven hundred years. So this seventh week starts 300 AD and goes on till 1000 AD. Given that the previous account of Enoch’s dream of history centres on the Jews, I had a look in Wikipedia at Jewish history from 300 to 1000 AD and the article has a section for this period calling it the Middle Ages which tells of Jews scattered and 1/6th settled in Babylonia and reads “The Jews established Talmudic Academies in Babylonia, also known as the Geonic Academies ("Geonim" meaning "splendour" in Biblical Hebrew or "geniuses"), which became the center for Jewish scholarship and the development of Jewish law in Babylonia from roughly 500 CE to 1038 CE. The two most famous academies were the Pumbedita Academy and the Sura Academy. Major yeshivot were also located at Nehardea and Mahuza. The Talmudic Yeshiva Academies became a main part of Jewish culture and education, and Jews continued on establishing Yeshiva Academies in Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa, and in the centuries later on to America and other countries around the world where Jews lived in the Diaspora.” - Such a clear fulfilment of what Enoch told us would happen. Surely it confirms too that the weeks do indeed start in around 3900 BC and last seven hundred years each.
Elijah’s Horn
Firstly I confess I am not a left wing leaning person and not even deeply knowledgable about Marxism. Yet reading the prophetic dream God gave Enoch of the seventy shepherds whose reigns over Israel and the Jewish people leads up to the reign of the Son of Man and God’s rule over the sheep it starts to make sense that a coming of an Elijah to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah is prophesied in it and will be on the same lines as the coming of Elijah then before Jesus, of John the Baptist. John was an Elijah figure, Jesus proclaimed, who was done away with but who preached social equality by those with two coats giving to those with none; thus, as foretold, John was asking for the social mountains of society to make themselves lower in order to lift up the socially depressed poor. The dream of Enoch about the history of the Jews - the white sheep who descend from the twelve sheep we can deduce to be children of Jacob, Israel - this dream tells of Elijah without naming him and tells of his being persecuted by the sheep because he is a prophet but he evades them and is taken up to be with Enoch in heaven. This is a reminder to us today of how John the Baptist preached to prepare socially level ground for the Messiah so He would not strike the land with a curse and it reminds that God might do the same before Jesus (Yeshua) returns. Only God could give such a dream to Enoch because only God could foretell truthfully the words He Himself would be saying in the fiuture. The dream brings us up to recent past events through a period of God speaking to seventy ‘shepherds’ (clearly angels) putting them in charge over the sheep, descendants of Israel. So the fact the dream tells the things God will say in distant future after Enoch ascended shows this dream strictly sees things from the Father’s own point of view and shows them to Enoch to tell us. So the shepherds continue successive reigns up until the last twelve who precede the days of judgment by the Son of Man. The start of the seventy is dedicible as in Assyrian Empire control of the Israeli lands 2760 years ago. So the coming of Christ forty years from now would fit with the shepherds each ruling a forty year term. This makes sense. Saul and David and Solomon each ruled forty years showing it to be a divinely preferred complete term. So the last twelve shepherds in the Book of Enoch must have started ruling over the Jews around 1540 AD. So the description of their time must include today and the last century. The end of their time includes Elijah-like and John the Baptist-like events as a ram (or he-goat which in Ge-ez/Amharic is a dabela) gets horns after some sheep start getting horns and these start to take on power even over their oppressors such that they can withstand the oppressing nations around them. The main horn gets unsuccessfully opposed by all and remains at the coming of the Son of Man to make judgment. Both Marx and later Trotsky were prominent teachers who were Jewish by birth. Marx’s family converted to Christianity so he was raised with both influences. Their powerful horn of Communism took over many gentile nations and forged some into regimes and Empires such as Soviet Union and China and North Korea as well as many African countries and South and Central American countries. China is still communist today. The social message of Communism has strong parallels with the raising of valleys and levelling of mountains socially by establishing equality. So it seems very plausible to me that this horn of the ram/he-goat during the last shepherds’ terms before Christ comes to judge fits well with the prophetic dream of beasts given to Enoch over five thousand years ago. It is for our blessing to know what is happening the way God personally sees it.
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
The Oath
One of the main reasons I love the Book of Enoch is that it tells us of the Oath that God enacted and encharged to the chief angels to keep the most important principles of Earth in place that make it habitable: its water supplies, its sea levels, durations of days and night year after year. These are essential for our ongoing existence and happiness. Love and wisdom guide these things in the heart of God. It is understandable that first and foremost the habitability of Earth and its sustaining of life would lead to certain fundamentals being established by God right from the start and set in stone as principles so there was stability on which other creations could be designed and made. So He sealed these fundamentals among the angels with a very important Oath. We take these things for granted: water being available, day following night, sea not crossing into the land beyond a certain point. I have seen buildings built right next to the high tide mark of the sea, such is Nature trusted to keep to the order it obeys. Yet without such an Oath there could be no such trust. And the Oath has always needed protecting. It does not go unopposed. Angels guard it from Satanic attacks. Think how Governments have to constantly defend their policies. Well this Oath is a policy that needs defending from opposition too, especially since the fall of the two hundred angels around 3300 BC. And it might be a further more massive fall prophesied by the Son of Man in Revelation will mean a great onslaught on the Oath when the Dragon leads a third of Heaven’s angels into rebellion. The power behind the Oath is strengthened - the Book of Enoch and the Holy Spirit seem to say - by the name of the Son of Man - His fame and authority invoked in His name and the ethic of His teachings and the faithfulness of His truthful testimony. The symbol of that name seems to be the cross. On this all life on Earth depends.
One of the main reasons I love the Book of Enoch is that it tells us of the Oath that God enacted and encharged to the chief angels to keep the most important principles of Earth in place that make it habitable: its water supplies, its sea levels, durations of days and night year after year. These are essential for our ongoing existence and happiness. Love and wisdom guide these things in the heart of God. It is understandable that first and foremost the habitability of Earth and its sustaining of life would lead to certain fundamentals being established by God right from the start and set in stone as principles so there was stability on which other creations could be designed and made. So He sealed these fundamentals among the angels with a very important Oath. We take these things for granted: water being available, day following night, sea not crossing into the land beyond a certain point. I have seen buildings built right next to the high tide mark of the sea, such is Nature trusted to keep to the order it obeys. Yet without such an Oath there could be no such trust. And the Oath has always needed protecting. It does not go unopposed. Angels guard it from Satanic attacks. Think how Governments have to constantly defend their policies. Well this Oath is a policy that needs defending from opposition too, especially since the fall of the two hundred angels around 3300 BC. And it might be a further more massive fall prophesied by the Son of Man in Revelation will mean a great onslaught on the Oath when the Dragon leads a third of Heaven’s angels into rebellion. The power behind the Oath is strengthened - the Book of Enoch and the Holy Spirit seem to say - by the name of the Son of Man - His fame and authority invoked in His name and the ethic of His teachings and the faithfulness of His truthful testimony. The symbol of that name seems to be the cross. On this all life on Earth depends.
Monday, 24 December 2018
The Name of the Son of Man
It seems reasonable that the Sumerian word or syllable ‘Mesh’ is the long lost (but not lost) name of the Son of Man. It meant ‘one of two’ around 3100 BC (Uruk III period) and compares to the word for God - An - around that time because God was written as two crosses in a star asterisk symbol of four lines intersecting at a pont while Mesh was written as one cross symbol simply two lines intersecting at a point. God is one while Mesh is one of two and became a sacrifice for sins to pay human debt and therefore Mesh is the mediator with God and I think was known like that from 3100 BC and ever since, hence the use of crosses to invoke the name of this Mesh the Son of Man in medicine and priestliness and what we would call shamanism through the ages. It seems reasonable that eventually the word would become Mesh-iah, Messiah. The meaning most associated with the name Mesh in some cultures such as Hebrew became Anointed One I propose and so the Greek word used for Anointed One, Christos, became the preferred translation into Greek. So we have it in English today as Christ. So I think this might be how the Son of Man Doctrine of the Book of Enoch might have been preserved since Enoch wrote about Him in 3000 BC and came down to us today: The cross symbol and its associated syllable Mesh.
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Nature’s Parables
Look at Nature truthfully. It has many lessons to tell us. God has such control over Nature which He made that if we honestly consider natural things we can learn lessons from heaven from them. The main lessons we learn looking at or pondering Nature are the way and truth and life in the teachings of the Son of Man. Why? Because it is by these teachings that Nature functions - taking its lead from the authority of those teachings. Enoch and the Son of Man both used the natural world of plants and animals and birds and trees to teach the heavenly ways. This is what the Holy Spirit does still today. Nothing has changed. We just need to look at natural things and ponder them the way He wants us to - honestly and without giving our trust to our desires and lusts. Then we can learn truthful lessons from Nature that He wants us to know and live by. Most of all we can see the loving, fatherly ways of God and live in that truth by worrying less and resting assured in that love in our day to day lives. So too we can see the constancy of natural creations in keeping going without fail as trees lose leaves and grow them back year after year after year.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Science and Religion
To a great extent the Book of Enoch answers the dilemma of the struggle between Science and Religion. It shows how Science actually below the surface IS a religion: Science is largely built on Hermeticism which is built largely on Shamanism which is the religion resulting largely from teachings of fallen angels five thousand years ago. So these two giants Science and Religion that have fought for centuries have actually been fighting for millennia. The original religion of Adam or Sumerian Alulim regarded the existence of one true Most High God, the Creator with reverence and awe and regarded other heavenly beings as subject to Him. The descendants of Adam regarded the Most High God as fatherly. They were not perfect in their religion of course and when fallen angels came the people had enough yearning for advancement that they were easily led astray into shamanism and early forms of Science. Enoch tells how God sent him true and pure and surpassingly wise and authoritative angels such as Uriel to teach him a purer way and body of knowledge and wisdom and insight that could save those who learned it. So began a struggle. It continues to this day except that in Western and Islamic countries and among followers of Western and Islamic ways the shamanism has advanced through Hermeticism into Modern Science and Modern Medicine while once outlawed witchcraft shamanism has taken on a New Age identity. Yet these were in some parts of the world such as China and Mongolia always traditionally mixed and mixed with a form of godly belief in a supreme Most High God too albeit summarised and depersonalised as Heaven or the Blue Sky. So these ways are all ‘cousins’ though admitedly not ‘brothers’, sharing in common that they all originated in Heaven among angels and the true distinction between them like the distinction between light and darkness is that some were taught with God’s blessing and some weren’t but were opposed by the Holy God as being too impure and harmful for the good of Mankind. Eventually God would send His long hidden Son to teach this distinction and show Himself as the true Way, providing the pure Holy Spirit of truth to lead those who believe and hold to His heavenly testimony.
Friday, 14 December 2018
The Cross
In the cross, the Almighty Father of the Son of Man (the Christ, ha Mashiach, al Massih) had a message for us all in making the death of His Son a hanging on a tree as a sacrifice to pay the debt owed to God. So we should love God and keep His teachings.
The First Dynasty
King Alulim, known today as Adam, founded a dynasty of the first civilisation living in what is now called Iraq. It lasted throughout the fourth millennium BC and into the third. Seventh king in line from this royal family, seventh generation descendant of Alulim, was Enmenduranki, known in our day as Enoch. Alulim, most ancient records tell us, ruled from the great city of Eridu which became one of the longest lasting cities of the time and is known well to modern day archaeologists for the long period it shows of successive habitation and glorious temple buildings. Seventh successor of Alulim, Enmenduranki (also called in ancient records Enmendurana), ruled from Sippur but his family lived for generations after him in a city of Shurappak known today because of its ancient writings and libraries of books, a few even dating from those times and one including writings of the last members of this dynastic family. These last members must have written and preserved the Book of Enoch writings we have today. Shortly after the last great worldwide king of this dynasty died, Ubara-Tutu, who we know as the long-lived Methuselah, the records say a flood swept over the land. So a new dynasty had to rule as only one family survived, that of Ubara-Tutu’s grandson Ziusudra who we call Noah. The ancient records tell us that although Ubara-Tutu was last overall king in that first dynasty of civilistation, Ziusudra did rule as a more local king before that Flood. The last capital city before the Flood, family home of the last members of the dynasty, was Shurappak, whose ruins are known today as Tell Fara. It became a city of learning and writing after the Flood and many books have been found and translated from its post-Flood times and from neighbouring cities, including records mentioned here, and so archaeologists and historians call that period of learning and writing the Fara Period after this city. Enmenduranki’s city Sippur too is known for a heritage left behind as a centre of learning and writing whose later books from its revival after the Flood have been some of them translated in our times. So it is feasible that from those times comes to us today the glorious Book of Enoch. Thanks be to God.
Thursday, 13 December 2018
What is the most wellknown cuneiform symbol throughout the world? How about the cuneiform symbol for the Sumerian and Akkadian word MASH (MAŠ). Why that symbol? Well it is the symbol of a simple cross. 𒈦
Wiktionary definition:
𒈦 (MAŠ)
1. şibtu "interest on a loan"
2. bīru; urīşu "sacrificial animal for omens"
3. mişru "border, boundary"
4. māšu “twin”
𒈦 (ĝešMAŠ)
1. gişşu "tree"
All look familiar? Clearly the Almighty Father of the Son of Man (the Christ, ha Mashiach, al Massih) had a message for us all in making the death of His Son an emblem meaning all those things - hanging on a tree as a sacrifice to pay the debt owed to God. Even the word Messiah which in Hebrew is Mashiach alludes to this word MASH.
Saturday, 8 December 2018
God’s words for our times
Joshua 7:11 -
“‘Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions.’“
Hosea 8:1 -
‘"Put the trumpet to your lips! An eagle is over the house of the LORD because the people have broken my covenant and rebelled against my law.’”
Deuteronomy 6:4ff -
“‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.’”
Matthew 10:27 -
‘What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs”’
Mount Hermon takes its name (the Book of Enoch tells us) from the descent onto it of the fallen angels who brought magic arts and other dark technologies to humans starting on that mountain. Hermeticism is the main way magic arts have come into modern Western cultures today. The names are similar and imply a connection. What might that connection be in both a linguistic and a cultural sense? Well I researched it online and tried to avoid quirky occultist sources but on Wikipedia there is some hint of the link. The ideas of Herneticism claimed in the Renaissance Period (following the popularity of Hermeticism in the Middle Ages in Europe) to come from a semi-mythical figure Hermes Trismegistus but the claims were disproved at that time. Yet nevertheless the magic traditions of Hermeticism in claiming this link to this Hermes Trismegistus do give us a hint to their origins because this writer whether in fictional or real writings uses that name to claim the origins of the occultic arts were from the ancient Greek god Hermes. So is there a link between Hermes and Hermon and is that link significant in linking magic back to the fallen angels? The etymological (historic development of words) link is the meaning of a herme as a pile of stones marking a pathway. These piles were used by travelers and often were put in place in the name of the Greek patron god of travellers Hermes. Likewise Hermon has a stone circle on it which might be the oldest in the world and might mark the place where the angels travelled to humans and passed on their knowledge of magic. That naming seems to be implied in the Book of Enoch’s explanation of the name of the mountain. So both Hermes and Hermon have long been associated with stone markers and travelling. Yet both have also long been associated with magic and this link might have a common root. According to Wkipedia article about Hermes “A cult was established in Greece in remote regions, likely making him a god of nature, farmers, and shepherds. It is also possible that since the beginning he has been a deity with shamanic attributes linked to divination, reconciliation, magic, sacrifices, and initiation and contact with other planes of existence, a role of mediator between the worlds of the visible and invisible.[108]” . So the main cultural link seems to possibly be that in ancient early days of Greece (Mycenaean Greece) some kind association was made between magic arts practiced out in the countryside in those times and Mount Hermon where the fallen angels descended. This link might indeed be hinted at in the name these Mycenaeans gave him - Hermes. The earliest occurence of the name (this article tells us) comes from “Linear B” mysterious ancient writings of these people.
This hints at what it was these fallen angels taught - what purpose they might have given in their teachings. Shamanism: trying to teach a way to be reconciled to God or gods or both through uses of various items in rituals to appease gods - using gemstone beads and herbs and potions and the like to try to present a sacrifice to allow peace into which a god might speak and bless. This might have been presented to humans by these angels as a kind of religion and yet really it was the origin of magic. So ever since shamans (witch-doctors) have been regarded as providing religious priestly service whereas God taught a better purer more effective way to serve Him as priests. A great stand-off took place between these ways when Moses went to Pharoah as Exodus tells us. Centuries ater another stand-off was between prophets of Baal and Elijah on Mount Carmel. Centuries later again both Moses and Elijah returned for a moment to stand next to the Son of Man in what became known as the Mount of Transfuguration. This Son of Man then undid any need for shamanism by Himself dying as a perfect sacrifice to finally settle things with God on behalf of humans and it was proven acceptable by the Most High God when He raised the Son of Man from the dead to make Him true High Priest of those who come to God this way rather than through shamanism and magic.
Saturday, 1 December 2018
The Cross - a Settlement Reached
A settlement has been reached with God on mankind’s behalf and the resurrection of the Messiah to eternal life proves the settlement in that death of Him on the cross is sufficient and acceptable in God’s eyes forever.
Magma Chambers
Enoch 14:15ff
“... and the entire portal stood open before me, and it was built of flames of fire. 16. And in every respect it so excelled in splendour and magnificence and extent that I cannot describe to you its splendour and its extent. 17. And its floor was of fire, and above it were lightnings and the path of the stars, and its ceiling also was flaming fire.”
The Book of Enoch although truly ancient shows scientific information such as the existence of huge empty magma chambers deep under mountains and volcanic regions. Recently a geological event drew attention again to these chambers when the magma appears to have suddenly drained from one near the South East coast of Africa and sent a shockwave right around the world in all directions. It puzzled scientists what could cause such low frequency tremors to so quckly reach all over the planet but now they are starting to realise that magma existing in huge voids beneath mountains can suddenly shift leaving huge empty chamber. The Book of Enoch relates journeys of Enoch under the power and guidance of an archangel into various mountain inner regions to see how God uses some of these empty magna chambers in the Middle East to gather the spirits of the dead and to site His own Throne of Glory.
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