
Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Week Seven

Book of Enoch 93:10 possibly has a surprising fulfilment in the Babylonian Diaspora of the Jews in the Middle Ages. A reminder of this verse: the passage is going through successive seven-part ‘week’ periods of history as God had written in heaven that Enoch was allowed to see before it happened and the passage has reached ‘week’ seven having mentioned apostasy during week seven: “and at its end [week seven] the Chosen Righteous from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen to be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation”. I calculate the weeks started in 3900 BC and each week is seven hundred years. So this seventh week starts 300 AD and goes on till 1000 AD. Given that the previous account of Enoch’s dream of history centres on the Jews, I had a look in Wikipedia at Jewish history from 300 to 1000 AD and the article has a section for this period calling it the Middle Ages which tells of Jews scattered and 1/6th settled in Babylonia and reads “The Jews established Talmudic Academies in Babylonia, also known as the Geonic Academies ("Geonim" meaning "splendour" in Biblical Hebrew or "geniuses"), which became the center for Jewish scholarship and the development of Jewish law in Babylonia from roughly 500 CE to 1038 CE. The two most famous academies were the Pumbedita Academy and the Sura Academy. Major yeshivot were also located at Nehardea and Mahuza. The Talmudic Yeshiva Academies became a main part of Jewish culture and education, and Jews continued on establishing Yeshiva Academies in Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa, and in the centuries later on to America and other countries around the world where Jews lived in the Diaspora.” - Such a clear fulfilment of what Enoch told us would happen. Surely it confirms too that the weeks do indeed start in around 3900 BC and last seven hundred years each.