It seems reasonable that the Sumerian word or syllable ‘Mesh’ is the long lost (but not lost) name of the Son of Man. It meant ‘one of two’ around 3100 BC (Uruk III period) and compares to the word for God - An - around that time because God was written as two crosses in a star asterisk symbol of four lines intersecting at a pont while Mesh was written as one cross symbol simply two lines intersecting at a point. God is one while Mesh is one of two and became a sacrifice for sins to pay human debt and therefore Mesh is the mediator with God and I think was known like that from 3100 BC and ever since, hence the use of crosses to invoke the name of this Mesh the Son of Man in medicine and priestliness and what we would call shamanism through the ages. It seems reasonable that eventually the word would become Mesh-iah, Messiah. The meaning most associated with the name Mesh in some cultures such as Hebrew became Anointed One I propose and so the Greek word used for Anointed One, Christos, became the preferred translation into Greek. So we have it in English today as Christ. So I think this might be how the Son of Man Doctrine of the Book of Enoch might have been preserved since Enoch wrote about Him in 3000 BC and came down to us today: The cross symbol and its associated syllable Mesh.