
Saturday, 26 October 2019

Real Brexit?

Brits wanting to be out of the EU should maybe remember it is the British government (answering to the British Parliament) and not the British people who is a member of the European Union. As such the British people are separate already from the EU. Maybe this is not reflected in law and treaties and constitutions (yet), but if you want out then simply not sharing in the government and Parliament processes such as elections is one way to stay out of involvement with the EU.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Revelatory Dreams

We can be told about the afterlife in our dreams. A few days ago I woke up early and thought I’d pray and, wanting to ask for something beneficial to believers, I prayed I would prophesy. I went back to sleep. My dreams were then all about the afterlife. I dreamt that there was a book about the afterlife that is in two parts. Both parts are about the best things that can happen if you live worthily. The first part is all about the places of the dead in the here and now and one place which saves you from torment and misery. It is a place of rest and calm. People resting in it are almost like they are alive. They have energy and joy. Then the second part of the book concerns what happens to the worthy ones later. They are awakened from their rest later. They are brought gloriously back to life. The revelation by dream continued two days later. I was in the Hereafter to tell people more about it and there I was surprised to find Jacob to a great extent in charge of things. I was asked why I was surprised and worried about telling people this and it was pointed out that it was very much in the gospel scriptures. Jesus said “people speak of the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob - He is not the God of the dead but of the living”.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

The Main Thing - the One Rule

God sends into the world His son, the Christ, and tells everyone they must believe in this Christ, this beloved Son. That is the one main rule God made. It is enshrined in the scriptures. Christ died for you, becoming the sacrifice we need for falling short, and God raised Him for you and you really need to hold to that and let it sink in, believing it. He is the key to you living forever, made worthy of living forever, by this Christ alive for you and me right now.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Dire Warning

There exists the testimony of Jesus (it exists even if you deny He exists or existed). This is thoroughly moral (even if you deny it is true). This tells of places of the dead. Jesus claimed to know such things personally, first hand, and by teachings from His Father God. The moral teaching is worth heeding even if you doubt its veracity and plausibility. To get it wrong could be hugely costly to you yourself irrespective of anyone else. It claims, He claims, that a person constantly ignoring poor people you can help will later have your own cries ignored when you are in the place assigned you in death. There is no room for cynicism. Poor people who are suffering severely need attention and help from the better off. Being such a help occasionally costs you little and benefits them greatly and Jesus warns missing out on giving this help is one way to get in trouble after death when existence continues. Think your own thoughts about after-death (the ‘after-life’) existence but get this wrong and the poor will suffer and so will you. Nobody else. Even if you do not believe most things about God believe this.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Jesus in Art

Artistic depictions of Jesus are simple reminders that He is. If He is then God is too. Better by far is to encounter Jesus Himself in the spirit and then know that He is - with personal certainty. That becomes personal proof of the existence of God who sent Him and was proclaimed by Him and has raised Him. 

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Using your voice

It is important to be free to speak out if you have a voice but do it in love for God.

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Has Religion passed its expiry date?

Has religion passed its expiry date? There is a promise of Christ that has not expired. It is that if you love Him enough to keep His sayings then He Himself will come to you, as will the Father, and make their home with you. This is not expired nor does it expire. It is how you and I can know God even today. Father and Son. And receive the Holy Spirit manifestations as a stamp and seal on this too. This is true, I have personally found. It is reality. It proves to be a reality which can be experienced and I indeed guarantee I have experienced it as reality - Father and Son and real Spirit.

The Origins of Religion

Why did the people of Uruk start using writing in the earliest times of civilisation? They were simple peasants of the Urbaid Period. The temple priests out of nowhere started writing symbols for recording transactions and drawing up contracts of obligations and completed obligations - and among those first symbols were the cross and a symbol for deity. * meaning the One God at the top of the hierarchy. + meaning just one of two. That cross never got lost as a symbol throughout history and developed to also mean a sacrifice for forgiveness of sins - yes long before the Christian Period began. It also meant part of shamanistic intermediating between mankind and the gods, including exorcism. That too was thousands of years before it was used similarly in Christianity. Hence its parallel association with pharmacy and healthcare. Throughout history these two concepts symbolised in the star and the cross - DENGIR and MASH - were preserved into modern times in the religion of the Turks and Mongols - Tengrism. Even the word DENGIR for the symbol of God (and gods) is preserved as the Tengristic name for God, Tengri. Similarly in the Chinese Ancient Religion name for God, Tian. The symbols are related 天 and 𒀭. The word for 𒀭 in Sumerian was DINGIR or AN but later in Akkadian it became EL (hence names like Gabri-el). So there was acknowledgement of a topmost God among the gods even at the time writing was first developed in Uruk and it continued throughout history.

What is the best way to open a closed mind?

What is the best way to open a closed mind?

If I knew I wouldn’t tell you. I would simply open your mind to it instead. 

Speak soul to soul. The mind puts up barriers to protect the soul but speak to the soul and those redundant barriers come down. But only living spirit can convey anything directly from soul to soul. I suspect the spirits of many are too dead to do this.

Constantly and consistently speak only the truth, with grace, in love.

Constantly back up consistently speaking the truth by actions consistent with that truth. Actions speak louder than words. People put up barriers to protect themselves from words which are inconsistent with actions.

These words can sometimes do it: CHRIST DIED FOR YOU.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

If you had a choice to live forever

If I had a choice of living forever it would have to be more than a choice. It would have to include someone else who lives forever and is worthy of it making me worthy of it and keeping me worthy of it so my living is not a constant affront to others. Especially,  my living would have to not be an affront to the righteous topmost God. Well here is the good news: the Son of Man will keep me worthy forever while I believe and hold to His teachings.