
Friday, 25 October 2019

Revelatory Dreams

We can be told about the afterlife in our dreams. A few days ago I woke up early and thought I’d pray and, wanting to ask for something beneficial to believers, I prayed I would prophesy. I went back to sleep. My dreams were then all about the afterlife. I dreamt that there was a book about the afterlife that is in two parts. Both parts are about the best things that can happen if you live worthily. The first part is all about the places of the dead in the here and now and one place which saves you from torment and misery. It is a place of rest and calm. People resting in it are almost like they are alive. They have energy and joy. Then the second part of the book concerns what happens to the worthy ones later. They are awakened from their rest later. They are brought gloriously back to life. The revelation by dream continued two days later. I was in the Hereafter to tell people more about it and there I was surprised to find Jacob to a great extent in charge of things. I was asked why I was surprised and worried about telling people this and it was pointed out that it was very much in the gospel scriptures. Jesus said “people speak of the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob - He is not the God of the dead but of the living”.