
Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Dire Warning

There exists the testimony of Jesus (it exists even if you deny He exists or existed). This is thoroughly moral (even if you deny it is true). This tells of places of the dead. Jesus claimed to know such things personally, first hand, and by teachings from His Father God. The moral teaching is worth heeding even if you doubt its veracity and plausibility. To get it wrong could be hugely costly to you yourself irrespective of anyone else. It claims, He claims, that a person constantly ignoring poor people you can help will later have your own cries ignored when you are in the place assigned you in death. There is no room for cynicism. Poor people who are suffering severely need attention and help from the better off. Being such a help occasionally costs you little and benefits them greatly and Jesus warns missing out on giving this help is one way to get in trouble after death when existence continues. Think your own thoughts about after-death (the ‘after-life’) existence but get this wrong and the poor will suffer and so will you. Nobody else. Even if you do not believe most things about God believe this.