
Saturday, 30 November 2019

Hear O UK

UK: The eagle of the Lord will be over the house of ‘Israel’ again but it is police flying the helicopters and GCHQ/NSA/CIA controlling the mass surveillance so they all play a key part in God’s plan because of the sin of ‘Israel’ (no not Israel the nation). Love the LORD, your God O ‘Israel’, with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength and all your mind - and all your voice!

The ’Sky Daddy’

Atheists ask why people still believe in a ‘Sky Daddy’

Look at the history of the word God. It is found in 3000 BC and even earlier texts depicted in pictograms with a star which also came to mean fatherly supreme God. So from earliest times * meant both God over all and Father over all. The star has the added meaning of worthiness of being blessed forever. We use ‘star’ to denote this today and used to use the related word aristocrat. The God over all was from earliest times considered to be Father of all other gods or archangels. In Christianity the Apostle Paul invoked this understanding (1 Cor 8:6, etc.) by speaking of the Father who is God over all and ever blessed. The ancient understanding depicted with a star symbol does indeed allude to sky and to father over all. The sky is a symbol of highest authority, stars being above all. It is probable that this being is highest in situation as well as high in status. The ancient texts about His situation imply a high mountain such as Mount Lebanon and later symbolised by the word Zion. The Book of Enoch describes what seems to be a chamber - possibly a magma chamber - deep inside such a mountain. But the sky/highness is mostly a matter of status and authority that does not change and diminish through eternity, unaffected by worldly decay. Important is that this being is not only highest but is fatherly and is blessed forever. The ancients recognised this fatherly status because of creation of all other beings and ongoing care for these. The care is above reproach too and hence this being is forever blessed. So nothing about modern humanity diminishes the worthiness of this God for belief.

Friday, 29 November 2019

The Way of Obedience is Joined with Suffering

God sends into the world His Son, the Christ, and tells everyone they must believe in this Christ, this beloved Son. The Christ was taught by God, taught a way of an essential combination of obeying and of suffering. We can live innocently filling our time with normal things, a bit of this, a bit of that. Then we hear or remember there are right things too but as soon as we set out to do these things taught by Christ we find we are quickly joined by something to which Christ was no stranger: Suffering. Obedience to Christ is a magnet to suffering. We gather our pennies and determine to discretely give them to the poor and suddenly adversity dogs our heals. This is the way: The way Christ walked as well as taught. Walks as well as teaches. Worship by the Spirit and persecution lies in wait. No separating of obedience and suffering is possible because God commissioned both. Embrace the inevitability of suffering as you resolve to walk increasingly in obedience and let Christ be the Saviour and the Lord that God has made Him to keep you on that path. I will too and we will have fellowship in this Way.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Behind Enemy Lines

The book of Revelation (Apocalypse) tells of three key eschatological apocalyptic entities which seem to be related to the EU:
1. Babylon the Great (Rome the secular city and seat of Roman power for centuries and later so-called Holy Roman power and now influential power worldwide),
2. the Beast associated with this Babylon the Great (seems to be Europe’s ongoing Empire via descendants of a Charlemagne, seen in ten horns which seem to be the Charlemagne royal houses of Europe) and
3. an image of the first Beast (seems to be the EU) which is created by a second Beast with two heads (seems to be USA with Republicans and Democrats).

Babylon the Great was used as a picture so it would make sense when God says to leave it. There was an old prophecy that is sung in churches “You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace”. Getting out of the EU will be akin to Jews leaving Babylon and returning from exile. In the time of Persian rule there were many Jews who were allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild it. Some chose to stay but the ones who returned and built the Temple were revived spiritually and had a great awakening.

Those Jews who stayed in Babylon were in prophecy described as blind sheep - they did not return to build the Temple but turned away from it and were blind. This was foretold in the Book of Enoch prophecy. Nowadays the colloquial phrase is ‘sheeple’ for blinded sheep. People need to wake up and have their eyes opened spiritually and staying in association with the most immoral block of countries on earth does not open your eyes but keeps you in the dark spiritually. Babylon the Great, secular Rome and those closely associated with it, is called in Revelation “the Mother of Harlots”. The EU today has 65% of all the world’s online child sexually abusive images. By far the worse place on Earth for porn and sexual immorality. Staying in league with this block keeps God’s people spiritually blind. Leaving the EU, even if spiritually when politically is impossible (though with God nothing is impossible) is a massive step towards fellowship with God and Christ.

Perhaps like many, I find myself living ‘behind enemy lines’ as a Brexiteer-Leaver living and working in Remain territory, like Lot living in Sodom, but Lord Jesus the Christ is well able and willing to keep me from the punishment He authorises over these territories.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Brexit Release

It is becoming clear that the British Parliament cannot deliver a real Brexit. All that can be done is to release them from their obligation and pray to God “Thy will be done”. Forgiveness must come from the heart willingly, but we have sins we want the Father to forgive, so may God forgive us as we forgive Boris and the others. They simply cannot pay what they owe us, so all we can do now is forgive their debt. They must remember they are forgiven when faced with people like Assange though. Like the parable of the forgiven debtor who could not pay but went off after being forgiven and grabbed another by the throat demanding settlement, the king unforgave him. Anyhow, if we want to pray “Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who sin against us” we have to stand there praying and give forgiveness with our hearts, so God forgives us too. I think personally I can do that over Brexit now because it is clear they cannot pay. There is no good in persisting to hold them to it. Releasing them allows God to release us. That is the Way.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Unchanged Unchanging

Jesus Christ promised to show Himself personally to those who keep His teachings. Blessed keeping by Him of that promise meant I did get a meeting with Him, albeit so brief, back in 1995, and He clearly and wondrously showed me in that encounter that He teaches EXACTLY the same today as He did back then. That was amazing and astounding but very real. I guarantee He has not changed His tune, changed His teachings, changed His faith-giving, changed His own behaviour which matches His teachings exactly, perfectly. God be blessed! Jesus foretold only one change that would happen to His followers before His return - Christ’s Apostle Paul affirmed the same as having happened - the Holy Spirit being given. When I came into major contact with the Holy Spirit directly I found He utterly affirms the Lord Jesus Christ as authoritative teacher who even teaches nature with authority that it obeys (so clearly He did so from the beginning of time). The teachings come only from the Father and He simply does not change, ever. For ever and ever and ever and ever He will be the One. That too was shown me by the Father, God Himself.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

The True Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ proclaims that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him. It is a bit difficult for all authority to be given to someone if they are God. They would already have it. We should believe and love who Jesus actually is. Simply saying He is God is not good enough and not accurate enough. He is Lord. That is not quite God but as close as you can get while being fully human. That captures the truth accurately. That is how the first apostles who closely knew Him put it. Let’s love the truth about Him and love Him in truth.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

The Mark

Brexit is being resisted because of the coming new world order global government and the USA role in the establishment of the EU. Soon the EU mark (traditionally known as 666) will appear. Those who take it will be doomed.

Monday, 18 November 2019

The Time when the USA with bilateral support decided to recreate the Roman Empire to counter Communism
The Apocalypse foretold a beast with two heads creating a copy of the former beast. USA has two heads - Republicans and Democrats. Both worked together to recreate the Roman Empire by beginning a European United States now called the European Union. 

The Cross

The cross started as a written Sumerian cuneiform symbol at the beginning of the history of writing and it depicted a ‘half’: One of two. A ‘whole’ (one of one, one and only) was depicted by the symbol of a star, the symbol of the topmost God (and a high aristocratic or angelic being). Over time the cross came to also mean mediation and priestly sacrifice and a sacrifice that takes away sins or debts. The word for this cross symbol is Mash or Mass, as in Mashiach (Messiah) and the Christian Mass. Three crosses meant exorcist. The cross took its meaning for medicine (like a pharmacist cross or the Red Cross) early in history, being associated with shamanism and priesthood. It already meant all this before the crucifixion of the Christ. So it is highly symbolic that Christ died on a cross.

Monday, 11 November 2019

What does it mean to prophesy?

What does it really mean to prophesy? Relating what God actually says. That is the point of being a prophet. Hearing what God actually personally says and searching out its meaning by human thought and relaying it as a human to other humans so it is accessible but still maintains as exactly as possible what God actually said and meant and made known. It is not easy because out of context it might be misunderstood so you have to try as best you can to convey the context too without detracting from the content. So it might be God (as with me indeed He did) gave the words “Israel has sinned!” together with a sign signifying the gravity of it (as indeed He did with a sign of mass surveillance like a vulture or eagle scanning the ground for prey), but saying it like that might sound racist or antisemitic when actually the message was not only targeted, you prophetically know, at Israel as a nation but rather Israel as those who hold God in reverence as supreme God. So very briefly you could say “Israel has sinned, says the Lord God” but it could be misunderstood, so you best do it in a situation where you are confident it will be received as intended, if possible, but otherwise you just do your best trying not to mislead or misinform.

Friday, 8 November 2019

Love God

There is a growing merger of the people who recognise that the most high god is God Almighty but there is still apostasy of love of God which now means all should be commanded again to love God and restore the honouring of His words and commands. Love God. That is His command. Obviously that means remembering the ways of God taught long ago such as sabbaths. Most of all it means keeping His commands and keeping the neighbours to whom we owe much love high in our priorities. So - To whom it may concern: love God.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Clothing for the mind

We humans clothe ourselves and we use words; two ways in which we differ from other animals. We use words: Words in our minds; Words in our mouths; Words on computers; Words in writing. We clothe our minds with words and we clothe our bodies with garments. Words are that with which the mind clothes itself and if words are clothing for the mind, then the Christ is clothing for the mind of God: Christ who is the Word of God. The Logos. So by clothing ourselves with Christ, taking to heart Christ’s words and putting those words into action, we clothe ourselves with the clothing of God; the clothing which is what God’s own mind takes for clothing. This sets us apart from the animals.

Monday, 4 November 2019

How convincing are the Bible and Quran?

The Bible and Quran do not really provide conclusive proof on their own (although they persuade enough to convince many, including myself); not without a good understanding of their historical and religious context. Genesis, for example, is unconvincing on its own of individual facts such as creation of Adam, Noah or the Tower of Babel, until you see other, secular evidence, such as ancient texts like ‘Adapa and the South Wind’, ‘Instruction of Sharappak’, ‘Sumerian King Lists’, ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’, ‘Eridu Genesis’, ‘Enuma Elish’ and ‘Enmerkar and the Lord Aratta’. Then you get to realise that there is more to all this than religion and persuasion of the masses, but rather that actual events were recorded, and out of these events arose, through centuries, a deep understanding of the supremacy of God, an understanding which directed the course of human history.
To a pure, open mind, the teachings of Jesus recorded in the gospels have such authority and genuine knowledge that they do rather prove the existence of God since this same man with such authority put it all down to God, ‘the Father’.
To a pure, open mind, the clear, sincere purpose of Jesus’ teachings to avert disastrous future for those who hear these teachings does prove that there is a saving Father who sent Him. Yet to a warped mind none of this proves anything.
Do dictionaries prove the spellings of words? Note: In Scrabble only certain dictionaries are canonised for this purpose of proof. In Scrabble there are always some who argue even with the dictionary, just as Atheists argue with a priest. Do dictionaries prove meanings of words? Not 100% since they do not make certain the conclusions quite on a par with faith. Scriptures taken correctly and understood properly and listened to with open heart can do better than a dictionary, not only in settling disputes and clarifying meanings but also in helping confirm beliefs but are not 100% reliable since we never know whether we understood them correctly and got close enough to original meanings and in our hearts are aware it could all be a pretence until we get more conclusive proof corroborating them.
A simplistic understanding of scriptures, such as is propounded by so many religious individuals, leads to use of scripture which is not convincing but is easily dismiss and despised. Many use scriptures like a kind of magic spell which is supposed to inspire faith in all but the hardest of hearts. Yet often they misunderstand scripture passages or single verses and spread their misconceptions rather than using the scriptures properly and intelligently with due learning background. So Atheists might have come across this and thus think scriptures are ridiculous and prove nothing. Yet if the scriptures are taken in context and humbly learned from with intelligent enquiry and research they show profound lessons which have been recorded for posterity as mankind’s finest, most elevated lessons. The depth of meaning is unfathomable and yet deeply satisfying to human pathos. Often other scriptures need to be brought into focus besides the canonised ones since many were sidelined by unscrupulous generations of religious and secular leaders.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Lord’s Supper?

Question: Is the trinitarian “Lord’s Supper” truly the Lord’s Supper if it is only for trinitarians?

Should the PM of the UK do a deal with the Brexit Party?

I do not believe in Just In Time wisdom. I do not believe in Just In Time politics. You cannot go hand-in-hand with fools and foolish pursuits hoping to switch to wisdom just in time for an outcome. He might think the goal of a united Great Britain free of the EU and the European tyrannical control can best be achieved by playing along with folly then switching to wisdom at the last minute but the reality is that there is never really a last minute and folly tends to stick. “If you make that face and the wind changes your face might stick like that” as British wisdom tells us. Go in company of fools too long and you become a fool. Go in company of the EU too long and you become the EU. Then it remains to others to do the leaving. And they leave you, when they leave. You have to question the loyalty to his country of a politician who would rather do a deal with Europe than with the leader of the Brexit Party.