
Sunday, 24 November 2019

Brexit Release

It is becoming clear that the British Parliament cannot deliver a real Brexit. All that can be done is to release them from their obligation and pray to God “Thy will be done”. Forgiveness must come from the heart willingly, but we have sins we want the Father to forgive, so may God forgive us as we forgive Boris and the others. They simply cannot pay what they owe us, so all we can do now is forgive their debt. They must remember they are forgiven when faced with people like Assange though. Like the parable of the forgiven debtor who could not pay but went off after being forgiven and grabbed another by the throat demanding settlement, the king unforgave him. Anyhow, if we want to pray “Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who sin against us” we have to stand there praying and give forgiveness with our hearts, so God forgives us too. I think personally I can do that over Brexit now because it is clear they cannot pay. There is no good in persisting to hold them to it. Releasing them allows God to release us. That is the Way.