
Thursday, 28 November 2019

Behind Enemy Lines

The book of Revelation (Apocalypse) tells of three key eschatological apocalyptic entities which seem to be related to the EU:
1. Babylon the Great (Rome the secular city and seat of Roman power for centuries and later so-called Holy Roman power and now influential power worldwide),
2. the Beast associated with this Babylon the Great (seems to be Europe’s ongoing Empire via descendants of a Charlemagne, seen in ten horns which seem to be the Charlemagne royal houses of Europe) and
3. an image of the first Beast (seems to be the EU) which is created by a second Beast with two heads (seems to be USA with Republicans and Democrats).

Babylon the Great was used as a picture so it would make sense when God says to leave it. There was an old prophecy that is sung in churches “You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace”. Getting out of the EU will be akin to Jews leaving Babylon and returning from exile. In the time of Persian rule there were many Jews who were allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild it. Some chose to stay but the ones who returned and built the Temple were revived spiritually and had a great awakening.

Those Jews who stayed in Babylon were in prophecy described as blind sheep - they did not return to build the Temple but turned away from it and were blind. This was foretold in the Book of Enoch prophecy. Nowadays the colloquial phrase is ‘sheeple’ for blinded sheep. People need to wake up and have their eyes opened spiritually and staying in association with the most immoral block of countries on earth does not open your eyes but keeps you in the dark spiritually. Babylon the Great, secular Rome and those closely associated with it, is called in Revelation “the Mother of Harlots”. The EU today has 65% of all the world’s online child sexually abusive images. By far the worse place on Earth for porn and sexual immorality. Staying in league with this block keeps God’s people spiritually blind. Leaving the EU, even if spiritually when politically is impossible (though with God nothing is impossible) is a massive step towards fellowship with God and Christ.

Perhaps like many, I find myself living ‘behind enemy lines’ as a Brexiteer-Leaver living and working in Remain territory, like Lot living in Sodom, but Lord Jesus the Christ is well able and willing to keep me from the punishment He authorises over these territories.