Understanding the evidence for the existence of God and gods requires a certain amount of good quality education. One of the greatest proofs or matters of evidence for God’s existence is the calendar but understanding this is an education in itself. Children can be taught it by parents but only with clarity of thought and good grasp of reality. The Moon can be explained to children with regard to its four phases of a week each all completing a 28 day cycle. This explains why there is a week and a weekend break. A 28 day lunar cycle happening thirteen times approximates to a year but is not quite accurate. If people had only used the Moon to determine the year the seasons would gradually shift in timing in that 364-day year. This too could be explained as part of educating children or adults well. The harvest times require a better year understanding. Only the Sun can enable it. This explains the importance of the Sun to the proper functioning of any society. The solar and lunar calendars can be combined and both Sun and Moon used to keep farming in sync with nature. Otherwise you start life with a year beginning in spring and end it with a year beginning in autumn. Evidence of God: How on Earth did humans work it out? Who helped?