
Saturday, 21 December 2019

Missing the Point

Theists and Atheists debate whether logic in nature shows God really must exist, yet all these debates about the existence of God are missing the point a bit. It is like debating the existence of the mobile phone company when the mobile phone bills are going unpaid and you about to get your phone cut off. Better to debate the duty to love God and believe in His teachings: The teachings of God coming to us through the likes of Jesus Christ and others. Like doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Like being like the ‘Good Samaritan’ when people nearby need emergency kindness. Like being so loving towards beloved friends that you lay down your life for them. Like asking over and over for justice from God against enemies rather than taking vengeance into your own hands. These teachings fill the social psyche around us and inside us. We need to believe into these teachings instead of getting hung up on logic and existence and what is real or imaginary.