
Monday, 24 February 2020

Saint Lazarus

I was in Cyprus, in Larnaka, last week and was astonished to see that the orthodox Saint Lazarus church is built over the former tomb of Lazarus who Jesus raised after Lazarus was dead for four days. How can any Greek Cypriots not believe? I suppose if not believing is your normal disposition and coping mechanism you just get used to ignoring invisible implications of what is visible right in front of you. The Orthodox Church still meet in that building over the sarcophagus that held the ‘man twice buried’ (now three or more times buried since the Crusaders moved the body long ago) and perhaps this makes it one of the oldest churches. I stood watching a service take place but could not understand the Greek. Greek Orthodox are so fortunate to have such history plus the best chance of correctly understanding scriptures which were preserved in Greek better than they had been in Hebrew.