The old ancient ways of God which God introduced through Moses which still stand today are yet superseded in favour of the way of God introduced though His Son Jesus which comes by the giving of Holy Spirit and gifts like tongues with interpretation which I witnessed in church in the nineties and never end completely even though for centuries it became a rarity. This Spirit giving manifestations in churches and individuals brings grace which feeds right living and understanding. This is greater than that old way. It is trustworthy even though opening the door of trust means having to guard that door to keep out false pretences. This new way involves a wider view of life that encompasses the hereafter in which a balance exists where if great good is all that this life holds and evil judgments are exercised in this life oppressing others such as the poor then the next life will have balancing evils. So we best look at the long term and love the poor and avoid excessive luxury in this life and have hope then for the next, the hereafter. This is the law of Christ. As is love for one another within a framework of believing in Christ. This is the upgrade on the law tablets.