
Sunday, 26 April 2020

Children of Satan

Being a child of Satan does not mean you are a Satanist. I used to be a liar when in my teens before getting that fixed by the gospel. John chapter 8 tells that Jesus called liars ‘Satan’s children’. So even though I had been baptised, my compulsive lying characterised me in God’s eyes and in the testimony of Jesus Christ as a child of Satan still, until the gospel message was preached to me effectively that Christ died for me and in subsequent prayer the compulsion was drummed out of me. Lying that God does not exist and that Jesus is neither Christ nor risen from the dead is a compulsion spell that the gospel can break when received with conviction and the Holy Spirit’s power gets to work in the inner being. The child of Satan can become a child of God. You simply have to start somewhere but need not stay there.