
Friday, 10 April 2020

Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather

There is, right now, a springboarding of a global joined up society akin to the Roman Empire of the first millennium.  Asked where the end times signs will appear, Jesus answered “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather”. It might have been a common idiom of the time but it might be foretelling that as end times appear and their signs are seen, it will happen at a time when location is no longer important or significant. That might be now. The vultures gather where there is a body, irrespective of locality or man made boundaries. Boundaries and locations are irrelevant to vultures. What matters is the dead body. So, today, we see the first times when you can be anywhere in the world and the same principles apply to you as anywhere else. Global singularity. The signs could appear anywhere right now and the location would be irrelevant. It would appear on globalised media wherever it happens.