It is pure kindness that God raised the Son of Man from the dead because now this Jesus is a human there with God mediating for us humans. Forever.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
The Heavenly Vision
Things the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit told me and showed me back in the nineties, after twenty five years, all fit together perfectly and come down to this: Jesus can be touched (He actually let me do so) and is truly human so He can mediate with God and He does so in utter competence. He has unsurpassed unity of trust with God His Father and also has taken our nature fully so the potential for ‘putting in words for us with God’ is immense. Even the wheels of Nature turn upon the power of this mediator calling and potential Jesus has because He never lets people down and God always listens to Him, His Son. This His name, all He is known for, all that He is, can and should be used to overcome sin and in doing this service and building the temple of His body of followers in reverence for God there is utterly powerful angelic protection right on hand when needed. (Daniel 3.) So build that temple by this name of the Lord Jesus Christ, risen from the dead. He has received from God and given to the churches the Holy Spirit for this purpose.
Monday, 25 May 2020
The Name of the Son of Man
The most powerful force in Nature made known in the Book of Enoch and by the Holy Spirit is the name of the Son of Man, which together with the Oath was given among angels to hold back ancient evils. The Oath itself is a mysterious entity known to angel chiefs by which Nature fulfils God’s purposes for it. But what is this other entity of mystery? The name of the Son of Man. ‘What is in a name?’ Indeed, everything is in a name, apparently. In terms of meaning, the name of someone is what they are known for, what they are good for, what they are worth, how much risk they can guarantee, their reputation and in some cases fame, the substance of what they represent. No other name commands so much urgency of meeting angelic requirements in governing the universe than the name of one particular person; the Son of Man, as Enoch’s writings relate to us. Peter the Apostle also preached ‘there is no other name made known among men by which to be saved [than the name of Jesus Christ]’, this Son of Man. We must therefore trust what Jesus is good for, represents, is worth, is known for. The teachings, the miracles showing God’s endorsement and testimony of His Son, the commands given, the apostles chosen and how they preached the truth, the faithfulness and the obedience to God His Father and subsequent resurrection vindicating Him. All this is that name, which angels feared and sought in Enoch’s days. Combining this with the Oath of natural order gave them power to hold back the evils of fallen angels and rebellion against God. We too can fend away evils and troubles with it, invoke it to keep even governments in check, straighten our ways, strengthen our commands to our children, build our churches, find a way ahead, receive the Holy Spirit and fulfil the will of God.
For us it isn’t so much fallen angels we have to deal so much as fallen people of God. Sin among us. My sin and yours and sins of priests and sins of disciples and of the flock. These sins cause immense harm in our days amongst us just as fallen angels caused harm in Enoch’s ancient days amongst humans and angels and threatened Nature itself since the Flood was so tragic. Now we, as the angels back then, ought to use the name of the Son of Man, what He does and is good for and known for and push back on the evil of sin with it. We need to save the world and this is how to do it. This Son of Man we know as Jesus. He is known to us as the one who has ultimate sway with God the Father, enough to mediate for us with God while knowing our state having lived it unto death. A human in a living body who can be touched. So He can effectively mediate for us with God.
For us it isn’t so much fallen angels we have to deal so much as fallen people of God. Sin among us. My sin and yours and sins of priests and sins of disciples and of the flock. These sins cause immense harm in our days amongst us just as fallen angels caused harm in Enoch’s ancient days amongst humans and angels and threatened Nature itself since the Flood was so tragic. Now we, as the angels back then, ought to use the name of the Son of Man, what He does and is good for and known for and push back on the evil of sin with it. We need to save the world and this is how to do it. This Son of Man we know as Jesus. He is known to us as the one who has ultimate sway with God the Father, enough to mediate for us with God while knowing our state having lived it unto death. A human in a living body who can be touched. So He can effectively mediate for us with God.
2020 Fire Foxes
Fire foxes. Foxes with their tails set alight by the ancient Israelite judge Samson set running through the Philistine crop fields.
Personal Faith
Finding a safe way through this life and having hope for the hereafter, learning the true path and finding a good moral compass is a matter of believing personally. I cannot do that for you. Maybe my faith standing firm might help your growth of faith but my faith cannot replace your need for faith. We each are persuaded individually. So I need to be persuaded well for my faith to grow. You need to be persuaded well for your faith to grow. For me my faith long depended on those around me and how they read and understood each other and scriptures and works God did among them. Then it changed a little to depend on what God did in me personally and on how I understand the scriptures personally, and I started to rely not merely on those who taught me and testified to me but more on what I witnessed personally of Christ. Then twenty five years ago I witnessed Christ in a major way that is now my bedrock. He met me and showed me what He does and who He is and the Father showed that this Jesus who met me is His Son and the Holy Spirit in church sealed it, utterly. You too can become more knowledgeable in this way, with a faith based on works of God like this. Put aside your exaggerated certainty and gain real certainty instead.
Saturday, 23 May 2020
My Advice on Hearing God
If you don’t know Christ very well or if you either are not sure you have experienced the Holy Spirit or do not yet recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit with confidence then best to stick with what many testify is from God such as scriptures of Bible until you learn the will of God and ways of God or simply go by what you are taught by those you know and trust, since scriptures are easily misunderstood and mistaught. But hope to have faith and grow in knowledge of God and of Christ Jesus God’s true son and you will receive the Holy Spirit who can Himself teach you to recognise His voice and discern His visions. But it might take time. Give it time. But do not think the Holy Spirit will only show you biblical things once you know Him. He will show you new things not known before if He wishes. There is so much yet to be revealed. So for this you will need to trust His ability to make Himself known to you once you know He is glorifying Christ in Christ’s name. Just know He will only take you further into what Christ Jesus learns from the Father, God.
Motion: the Gyroscope Effect
The universe needs motion. Black holes keep stars and planets and stellar dust moving, sucking them in at points in space but keeping all distant stars pulled in one direction or another, moving. The bicycle rider knows you keep moving to keep order or you fall off. Stability comes from constant motion. The cyclist falls unless they move forward and this is strange and wondrous like the way motion keeps a gyroscope vertical and orderly. The gyroscope is like the stars kept in motion by the black holes. Motion maintains order by giving laws of nature the opportunity to maintain control. In the immediate vicinity of God in heaven, in the place where God is seated on the throne of glory, there are four living heavenly beings (seen by the prophet Ezekiel) which maintain the order of all things by constant motion of a wheel within a wheel, like four gyroscopic chariots, like the orbit of the Moon within the orbit of the Earth. Right in the immediate vicinity of God, the universe is kept in order by laws of Nature determined by God. Here where it is all governed, is the throne too of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, at God’s right hand, and by the Lord, Jesus Christ’s authority it all happens, the authority given Him by God.
Thursday, 21 May 2020
The dreaded 666
The dreaded 666: Is that really what this is? Maybe it is heading towards something like that, but technology unknown to us now; a future technology which will make more sense when it happens, perhaps a decade or more from now when I guess those still around might look back at this moment and recognise this as when it all started in earnest. ‘Microsoft published a patent for a "cryptocurrency system using body activity data." This patent is filed under the number WO2020060606A1’
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Root Causes
In this time of testing let us not forget the root causes of these plagues. The testimony of Jesus is ours to lead us. The shamanism of our ways is one cause. It underpins our medicine. It underpins our cultural customs in the ideas of talisman charms, astrological predictions, pagan festivals, swearing with pagan invocations, drug taking for greater enlightenment and seeking to game the system of the natural world rather than praying to God alone. Then there is the harsh treatment of religious people by those who lack religious conviction. Then there is lying and stealing and shady practices and criminal activities underpinning our systems. Then there is our entranced obsessive ties to ancient systems of Europe going back to the empires of the past and power structures they have bequeathed to us: Babylon the Great, the harlot Rome. These are all the ways we do not repent and turn from. We do not depart fully from dealings with the old empire systems. We do not look into our insistence on use of the old pagan practices of shamanistic past mastering of how to game the natural world in our sciences, so we persist with those practices. We do not change our deception of our minds to turn towards inner and outer honesty. We do not change our criminal ways. So the plagues come upon us and will keep on doing so because on the whole we will not repent. Come out and be separate from the unrepentant and God will be our leader and a father to us, so we can be free of the future plagues to come and liberated from the future testing times that will come, like this one, on all the earth.
Monday, 18 May 2020
Health and the mega-rich
What else can a mega-rich man do? He is at threat from the virus and further pandemics. If he wants to protect himself he needs an effective WHO and vaccines. He’ll obviously think investing in these will help him protect himself while giving him a positive reputation as a philanthropist at the same time. Unfortunately this is very unlikely to provide bulletproof protection for him since medicine might appear to succeed on mass scale but for any individual the success is always limited and side effects or bad effects likely. Yet what else can an extremely rich person hope to achieve? The onus is therefore on society and governments to protect the masses from the private interests of the rich and mega-rich who can afford to make their projects look philanthropic. China has to manage many such mega-rich architects of its new cities and society. The West must do the same.
Sunday, 17 May 2020
Porn and Demons
Interesting to look at biographies of Marquis de Sade and Rasputin to see how they handled both demons and porn. They were consumed by both but not necessarily cause and effect, more that the demon caused the porn. Not the other way around. With Marquis de Sade and Rasputin there is another factor too. Both were heavily influenced by false teachings. Sade by his Atheism. Rasputin by the teaching of sinning to defeat sin. Both became teachers of their respective false teachings as well as disciples. Here is the gateway to the demon: discipleship of demonic false teachings. So teachers beware what you teach. You could be opening a demonic gateway. Mental illness could be a side effect of your teachings.
The real problem with de Sade and Rasputin was in how, for different reasons but the same weakness, they gave themselves fully over to porn and fornication. They both had a kind of madness about it, both alluding to a demonic aspect to this citing supernatural visitations which led them deeper into it. To my mind the lesson to learn is that while it is a natural property of being human to delight in sexual stimulation by other people, giving too much of ourselves to that delight is potentially mentally harmful and giving ourselves completely over to it is dangerous to not only our health but the health of society. So keep a lid on it. Restraint. Not suppressing but controlling, limiting: Since giving ourselves over to it completely can lead to us suffering both harm and threat of punishment and anger from those in power who seek to keep society healthy. Plus we ought to keep a clear conscience in living as best we can.
As a side note, I think it’s important to mention that baptism of the kind practiced by Baptists involves pledging to keep a clear conscience which in itself tends to lead the baptised believer into keeping a lid on the natural tendency to gravitate towards sexual stimulation of the porn kind. It does not eliminate the natural desire and delight but it teaches us to keep it controlled and not give ourselves fully over to it in a damaging way. So demonic teachings get less of a foothold. This is a saving grace of Christianity. It is not only about punishment by society and anger of God but about the individual conscience being kept clear by doing your best to live right. This does not mean other religions and non-religions do not also need to exercise these restraints and self-governing ways too. It is important for every individual. Yet baptism in Christ’s grace and Christ’s name helps a great deal.
The real problem with de Sade and Rasputin was in how, for different reasons but the same weakness, they gave themselves fully over to porn and fornication. They both had a kind of madness about it, both alluding to a demonic aspect to this citing supernatural visitations which led them deeper into it. To my mind the lesson to learn is that while it is a natural property of being human to delight in sexual stimulation by other people, giving too much of ourselves to that delight is potentially mentally harmful and giving ourselves completely over to it is dangerous to not only our health but the health of society. So keep a lid on it. Restraint. Not suppressing but controlling, limiting: Since giving ourselves over to it completely can lead to us suffering both harm and threat of punishment and anger from those in power who seek to keep society healthy. Plus we ought to keep a clear conscience in living as best we can.
As a side note, I think it’s important to mention that baptism of the kind practiced by Baptists involves pledging to keep a clear conscience which in itself tends to lead the baptised believer into keeping a lid on the natural tendency to gravitate towards sexual stimulation of the porn kind. It does not eliminate the natural desire and delight but it teaches us to keep it controlled and not give ourselves fully over to it in a damaging way. So demonic teachings get less of a foothold. This is a saving grace of Christianity. It is not only about punishment by society and anger of God but about the individual conscience being kept clear by doing your best to live right. This does not mean other religions and non-religions do not also need to exercise these restraints and self-governing ways too. It is important for every individual. Yet baptism in Christ’s grace and Christ’s name helps a great deal.
Saturday, 16 May 2020
The Folly of Science
Science was started in the mists of time before even the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians when humans smelted lead or copper and other ingredients and poured the molten metal alloys into moulds and started to look at how to combine the metals using magic to try to make alloys good for making weapons. They also sought ways to make potions to cause abortions or cause hallucinations that might open their minds to magical influences and visions. Their theories of what got best results took them into thinking about their potential for doing all this better without hindrance from fear of God. Their foolish hearts were darkened and they started to think the objects they made might be better as objects of worship than God.
An Angel is in the Fire!
This is a quote from the Book of Enoch when Noah complained to God about the origins of alchemy at a time when metal working was starting to become a science but one involving a kind of primitive form of witchcraft, magic. Did such a time happen in history as we know history today? The clearest evidence is in the artefacts found at the archaeological site of Nahal Mishmar which are magical ritual maces, sceptres and the like made around 3000 BC from metal alloys of extreme sophistication unmatched until modern times.
This is a quote from the Book of Enoch when Noah complained to God about the origins of alchemy at a time when metal working was starting to become a science but one involving a kind of primitive form of witchcraft, magic. Did such a time happen in history as we know history today? The clearest evidence is in the artefacts found at the archaeological site of Nahal Mishmar which are magical ritual maces, sceptres and the like made around 3000 BC from metal alloys of extreme sophistication unmatched until modern times.
Friday, 15 May 2020
Faithful and True
People don’t just need to be moral. They need to stay moral. That is no easy thing when people become eternal. Eternal morality requires an Eternal Christ. Enter Jesus. Christ from aeons past till forever future. Keeping His followers eternally moral, eternally sons of God the Father. Dying on a cross for them and rising again to champion their salvation forever. The epitome of true religion. Faithful and true.
Abuse of Religion
What type of person angers me the most? Religious people who use scripture or doctrine to justify injustice and wrongdoing. People often use religion to justify doing nothing about injustice. They “turn the grace of God into a licence for immorality”. They let religion dull their indignation and use religious concepts as a shield against the feelings of shame which would otherwise prompt them to change their sinful ways. People quote scriptures and denominational doctrines when confronted with inconvenient truth. Some leaders have felt that the only way around this, the only way to achieve justice in the face of such religious opposition to justice is to counter this bad use of religion with a suppression of religion per se. Communism is most notable in this regard. I expect God will forgive some such leaders and many of those who follow their ideologies for the greater good. I expect God will condemn many religious leaders and followers of such leaders for using religion to justify oppression of the poor, or using religion and even scriptures to excuse inaction and lack of repentance. And I do not deny it: I am guilty of it too.
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
FAITH: Not giving in to fear. Embracing what is real. Putting aside precautions against the unlikely in favour of protection coming from the real. Taking no steps reversing the right path but keeping on a right path as long as is possible just like the rest of nature does and never wavering. All for the purpose of constructive love to a higher glory. An outcome of persuasive words and power from a higher intelligence. Resulting in protective events which will at some point be traced back to realities unseen and unimagined. Nothing can withstand genuine faith.
Sunday, 10 May 2020
The Crucifixion
The crucifixion of Christ seems a bizarre way for Jesus to fulfil the meaning of His name: Salvation. Yet there is more to it. He unites believers with Himself spiritually so that they are one with Him. This means Jesus’ crucifixion was effectively their crucifixion. When He, their head, died they were dying too. So their death sentence for grave crimes and sins already has happened. All share in that death who share in Christ by unity with Christ. Likewise they all share in the resurrection which followed that death. Those who share in Christ have special reason to believe in the Father who sent Him to work out this salvation.
The crucifixion message
When someone has faith and calling to tell me assuredly that Christ died for me, and when I have grace to receive that in my inner heart, the outcome is so powerful in changing me for the better into a truthful person that it is clearly not some made up human invention idea. It meets my need so well that I know God is behind it and has my back. Miracles result. The power teaches me honesty and humility. The regime of Heaven fills me. The future opens up with new prospects. To then find Jesus is alive and well takes those prospects to a new level because it means God raised Him from the dead and can raise me too.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Aliens Question
Q. Atheist Republic (on LinkedIn): If aliens do one day visit us, what do we show them to prove that we are worth something?
A. Aliens of the generally invisible spirit kind are here and there like invisible human beings but stronger and defter generally speaking; in my experience and learning anyway. Only one spirit being is almighty over all and rightly calls Himself God, calling Jesus Christ (yes alive and existing for aeons past and forever future) His Son. Then there is the Holy Spirit abroad everywhere and visiting churches and believers especially. These all know humans, and what we are worth, very well. Yet never hurts to remind an angel that Christ died for us, our worth in God the Father’s eyes.
A. Aliens of the generally invisible spirit kind are here and there like invisible human beings but stronger and defter generally speaking; in my experience and learning anyway. Only one spirit being is almighty over all and rightly calls Himself God, calling Jesus Christ (yes alive and existing for aeons past and forever future) His Son. Then there is the Holy Spirit abroad everywhere and visiting churches and believers especially. These all know humans, and what we are worth, very well. Yet never hurts to remind an angel that Christ died for us, our worth in God the Father’s eyes.
Sunday, 3 May 2020
Pray that you will not fall into temptation
I have an unpopular opinion that requirements of one system can be imposed on followers of another system but only if there is just warrant for it. I’m not at all sure whether WHO shutting churches has just warrant. Nor do I believe a New World Order is an entirely good development. However, I am sure that besides followers, God has subjects and servant-slaves too and they must be helped in carrying out their duties towards God and Christ, so this can cause a coincidence of agendas resulting in imposition of certain global rules and laws. But this New World Order looks awfully like the image of the Beast mentioned in Revelation if the Beast is taken to mean Ancient Greece which started by coming together of previously quarrelling city states and had principles based on Athens and philosophy of Plato and Aristotle as today are enshrined in modern age concepts and in Marxist Communism too. In Enoch’s time there was mainly one civilisation which Enoch ruled for a time but although that allowed his teachings to gain universal traction we are warned in Revelation of the evils that can gain sanction and traction from such a situation too.
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