The universe needs motion. Black holes keep stars and planets and stellar dust moving, sucking them in at points in space but keeping all distant stars pulled in one direction or another, moving. The bicycle rider knows you keep moving to keep order or you fall off. Stability comes from constant motion. The cyclist falls unless they move forward and this is strange and wondrous like the way motion keeps a gyroscope vertical and orderly. The gyroscope is like the stars kept in motion by the black holes. Motion maintains order by giving laws of nature the opportunity to maintain control. In the immediate vicinity of God in heaven, in the place where God is seated on the throne of glory, there are four living heavenly beings (seen by the prophet Ezekiel) which maintain the order of all things by constant motion of a wheel within a wheel, like four gyroscopic chariots, like the orbit of the Moon within the orbit of the Earth. Right in the immediate vicinity of God, the universe is kept in order by laws of Nature determined by God. Here where it is all governed, is the throne too of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, at God’s right hand, and by the Lord, Jesus Christ’s authority it all happens, the authority given Him by God.