
Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Root Causes

In this time of testing let us not forget the root causes of these plagues. The testimony of Jesus is ours to lead us. The shamanism of our ways is one cause. It underpins our medicine. It underpins our cultural customs in the ideas of talisman charms, astrological predictions, pagan festivals, swearing with pagan invocations, drug taking for greater enlightenment and seeking to game the system of the natural world rather than praying to God alone. Then there is the harsh treatment of religious people by those who lack religious conviction. Then there is lying and stealing and shady practices and criminal activities underpinning our systems. Then there is our entranced obsessive ties to ancient systems of Europe going back to the empires of the past and power structures they have bequeathed to us: Babylon the Great, the harlot Rome. These are all the ways we do not repent and turn from. We do not depart fully from dealings with the old empire systems. We do not look into our insistence on use of the old pagan practices of shamanistic past mastering of how to game the natural world in our sciences, so we persist with those practices. We do not change our deception of our minds to turn towards inner and outer honesty. We do not change our criminal ways. So the plagues come upon us and will keep on doing so because on the whole we will not repent. Come out and be separate from the unrepentant and God will be our leader and a father to us, so we can be free of the future plagues to come and liberated from the future testing times that will come, like this one, on all the earth.