
Sunday, 30 May 2021


 When we believe in Christ to wash us from sin, we end up washing each other on His behalf: Washing away sins with rebukes, correction, discipline, teachings, miraculous signs, Holy Spirit gifts and intercessory prayers. The fellowship one disciple may have with Jesus Christ can be shared by those whose receptiveness to this disciple’s testimony leads them to openness of heart to truth from God. Such openness, if maintained, will lead to confession of their inner real state before God and the Holy Spirit turns around their thinking, adjusts their attitude and inner behaviour. Thus you find the receptiveness to the gospel truth, in the light of the cross, can open up a person so they confess truth about themselves openly to others. Forgiveness and fellowship and ongoing washing from sin are the result. Also intercession and tendency to rebuke and correct each other within that bond of fellowship in this cleansing way of Christ. This is why Christ came and was announced by John the Baptist who made way for this to happen as part of faith in Christ. This is the way, the truth, the life, as found in Jesus Christ the Lord and Master, the true Rabbi sent from God, the Lamb of God whose crucifixion and intercession and life and pathway takes away sins.