The Evolution theory covers changes in genetic make-up and covers adaptation of organisms to challenges in the organism’s environment. It covers some sort of dependency on chance. It doesn’t seem to cover the dependency on spiritual influences over chance. It doesn’t seem to cover the organism’s dependency on these influences for its adaptations. Religion fills this gap. It shows a cosmic scale influencer influencing the chance events. Does God throw dice? No but when the die is thrown, God influences, even determines, the outcome. The Spirit of God conveys this truth, demonstrating it to an adherent who believes. God shows how in our innermost being we have spirit and the key to this spirit is in the hands of God’s Son who lives forever, having died as the sacrifice for the High Priestly ministry of entering the innermost place in us and in Heaven and interceding, bringing the innermost places together. The result is our spiritual relationship with God the Father, the Creator, the one who determines outcomes. The Spirit of God tells a believing adherent that it is by the power of the name of this Son, the Lord Jesus the Christ, that Nature carries on in accordance with the will of God. We should do so too.