The UK blindly follows blind leaders in various walks of life. These leaders have personality issues which compel them to get the minutiae 'right' in a way that hardly matters while they make huge mistakes that can even cost people their lives. The people like to have leaders who are like themselves and largely the people are similarly dysfunctional so these leaders are a comfort to their egos and they just keep on following them. Others in turn follow these people, others such as their clients, their children, people in their care, and they all go off towards the nearest cliff, oblivious to their folly and predicament. Such is what I notice about the UK which matches the teachings and warnings of that great teacher Jesus Christ. He taught that the desk workers and administrative function people, in his time they were called scribes and Sadducees, were what he called hypocrites who strained out the gnat but swallowed the camel and were blind guides so people should leave them, not follow them. This seems to be the problem today with a nation that is made largely of desk job workers guiding, managing, advising everyone else, so all together walk into a ditch, oblivious to what is actually up ahead as they do what seems 'right' to them without actually looking where it leads. The outcome is going to end badly for the UK and for the blind countries taking the lead from the UK and the West in general.