What truth did Jesus bring into the world? Jesus speaks truth even today and what he says reinforces what he meant by "the truth" when he spoke to Pontius Pilate at his trial, saying he had come into the world to testify to the truth. "What is truth?" asked Pilate. Jesus has some truth revealed to him by the Father (such as we see in the book of Revelation) and some is what he knows is true of all that was written as scripture known to himself and others at the time (Bible including Apocrypha and some other books of scripture we have discovered in recent times preserved among Dead Sea Scrolls and by groups such as Ethiopian Beta Israel and Ethiopic Orthodox Church, such as the Book of Enoch), plus the testimony of the miracles God gave him to do and the teachings God gave him to teach and together with teachings he has given him by God since his ascension which the Holy Spirit sometimes reveals to us. In addition, he and the Holy Spirit convert people inwardly so we speak truthfully of what we know and see and we testify of these things truthfully to each other.