
Friday, 30 December 2022

Jesus Christ is not merely a prophet but is unique

 One argument against Christianity is that Jesus Christ is merely a prophet like the many prophets past, present and future who bring messages from God. Well the testimony of the first leaders of the first disciples of Jesus Christ is that Jesus Christ is a far greater than normal prophet along the lines of what was previously only seen with Moses, over a thousand years earlier, in that Moses regularly went into a tent and there met God as if face to face. Jesus attributed this to the special intimacy Jesus alone had with God, as God’s Son. Moses had been promised by God that in the future God would send one like Moses, to whom the people of God must listen. Apostle of Jesus, Peter, proclaimed that Jesus is this special prophet like Moses, foretold by Moses. So for this kind of man, the One who could have such special access to God, being Son of God, to die for each of us, you, me, everyone, as Jesus Christ did when crucified, thus providing a sacrifice for sins, this is of immense effect and procured great benefit from God to our benefit if we believe, such that it provides benefits which lead believers to eternal life. Then the raising from the dead of Jesus Christ by God brings the prospect of believers having a Moses-like leader who can represent us to God and fully represent God to us. The giving by God of the Holy Spirit since Jesus returned to God, to His right hand, means the benefits of Jesus’ incomparable endless access to God can be distributed spiritually to reach every believer in every century, until Jesus himself returns. This all makes eternal life within the reach of every believer. It is a matter of us continuing to be persuaded of these things and being united by this with Jesus Christ and keeping in unity and fellowship with him by holding fast to his teachings, living by them as God gives us understanding of these teachings. The sacrifice of Jesus continues to provide God’s favour and forgiveness and makes us clean in God’s eyes as we hold to these teachings with this persuasion and confess to each other that we sin, that we fall morally, ethically short of God’s ethical standards. We have the prayer Jesus taught. In this we learn to forgive others before God in our prayers regularly so that God will in turn forgive us too. So prospects are on a new level for us with God, which we can call a spiritual rebirth for us. We have prospects of God being the creator, through His Son Jesus Christ, of our ongoing righteous living and inner peace and persuasion and ongoing renewal of life spiritually, despite our physical mortality. When Jesus returns, he promised, he will raise such believing disciples of his teachings from the dead and for those still alive, give a state of immortality. This all brings glory to God.