It is a challenge to write about such a spiritual thing, and I am probably not spiritual enough to do it justice, but there are various things revealed from Jesus and in the very ancient past, then down the ages by the mysterious Holy Spirit, which speak of such things. In the Book of Enoch, a most mysterious scripture of all scriptures, it tells how the name of the Son of Man was incorporated by arch angels into the Oath, by which all Nature is governed. So Jesus name was part of how Nature was governed even many centuries before he was manifested. So trees put out buds and leaves and planet orbit stars by the authority of Jesus’ name. Now risen from the dead the reigns are in his hands to pull the reigns of Nature as he wills and according to God his Father’s will. The very word of God which is manifested in Jesus is in charge of Nature and created it too. I ponder these things often but they are always steeped in holy mystery. Thank God the Holy Spirit makes them known to true believers. We see the manifestation of this in the churches, where there are baptisms and services in the name of Jesus today. A mystery unfolding day after day. The same mystery as is there every day in all of Nature. The authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.