Our biological lives are flawed. We might end up as criminals, murderers, liars, or deviant in various ways—attributes not suitable for eternal harmonious fellowship with the Father. Thus, we need to start again, differently. This requires a rebuild of our lives, but not like our biological beginning, which fails to achieve righteous saintliness. Instead, we need to build our lives again based on the Son of God, the light of the world, the Christ, Jesus, sent by the Father for this purpose. We need to believe in this light of the world and strive to understand and obey His teachings. We do so with the assurance that, as Jesus taught, we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free. But it takes love. Love toward the Father. Love Him and let that love be about keeping the teachings He gives. He gives them through Jesus, His Son, so it matters that we take serious notice of what Jesus taught and what the Holy Spirit still teaches in Lord Jesus Christ’s name. These teachings ultimately originate in the Father who sent Jesus. Some serious sin is causing trouble right now, in wars and rumours of wars, with the people who are supposed to be God’s people somehow to blame. The teachings of God through His Son might be enough to get rid of this sin, if we double up our resolve to hold to those teachings, and the truth is given us to set us free. We need to double up our efforts to keep those teachings ever before us. Posters. Online postings. Teaching the next generation too. Most of all we need to dig deeper into the teachings, finding out what Jesus and his apostles really meant by them, living by the actual intended meanings. The storms are coming. This is the time to give up building upon sand and build instead our lives and our children’s lives on solid rock.