Thomas exclaimed to Jesus, seeing him alive from the dead and having power unseen before, “My Lord and my God”. The Father is the greatest and is God over all. We can say that Jesus is the Lord because. while having all things increasingly made subject to him by the Father, he will always be subject to the Father. This order of subjection - firstly, subjection of all things to the Son, and then, subjection of the Son and all things in him to the Father - means that ultimately, all things will forever be subject to the Father, the ultimate one true God. So the one true God is forever going to be the Father, but although Jesus will be subject to the Father, everything will be made subject to Jesus. So Thomas could see this immortal Jesus, raised from the dead by the Father, and exclaim that Jesus is his Lord and it was true that Jesus is, second only to the Father, his God too. But nevertheless, the ultimate God of Thomas is the one true God, the Father.