2060: It is not certain that this date is actually the approximate time of the return of the Christ. It is the approximate end of the 2800 year punishment of northern tribes of Israel prophesied in the Book of Enoch (the Dream of Beasts). It is a fair assumption that Christ comes when it ends or after it ends. He clearly is unlikely to come before it ends. The Book of Enoch (the ten weeks account) also leads to a fair conclusion that the final judgement, after the Millennium, is around 3000 to 3100 or thereabouts, so this adds weight to the theory that the Christ will come around 2060. 2060 is a date which was set 5000 years ago. That is how long the prophecies have been around. But only as we get near, do the dates become clearer. Other dates start to be clear as prophecies about ancient events become clear. “Many will go here and there and find knowledge.” “Knowledge will increase” as Daniel was told. Now knowledge is complete enough to make sense of the meaning of what was prophesied thousands of years ago.