
Monday, 19 August 2024

Enduring the Apocalpse

 If we want to be in the will of God as events of the Apocalypse close in, we do not want the stumbling block of pretrib rapture doctrine to hinder us from understanding that we are all in it together with these events and need mercy as the prophet Joel foretold. The sun will turn to sackcloth and the moon to blood as the successive global wild fires and earthquakes and eruptions fill up the atmosphere. We could choose to opt out of God’s will and be the false prophet, but that will not mean being raptured before the tribulation of the ‘Antichrist’ Beast. The false prophet will be destroyed along with that Beast. Making a covenant with death, to let a lie pretend to protect us, this is merely a lie and delusion. To take the centre lane of the will of God we need to join with Holy Spirit facilitated prayer fellowship to do as it says in Joel, to pray for mercy. Maybe God will mercifully delay and them speed up the events so they are more bearable. Then Christ will welcome the faithful with a rich welcome when he comes at the end of the events.