
Sunday, 28 February 2016

The God, The LORD, says "Israel has sinned"

The God whose love as husband for straying but beloved wife has been expressed by prophets of old, says again "Israel has sinned" and He says that the eagle of war and mass surveillance has been overhead as a sign of this with wars and rumours of wars on the agenda as indeed we have seen the past two decades. So He lets me preach this 'from the mountain top' "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind" and I have to shout it loud "all your voice".

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Good news - oh but not such great news

Revelation 21:8 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practise magic arts, the idolaters and all liars – they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death.’

Good news - yes great news!

Revelation 21:6-7 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

He said to me: ‘It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The Truth of God sets Free

Although God requires none of the Gentiles to think they are law-bound to keep the Law of Moses found in old testament scriptures like Deuteronomy or Leviticus or Exodus, He does require that those He has ransomed by the blood of Jesus Christ His Son keep the command to love Him with heart and soul and mind. His commands are to Gentiles given through Jesus Christ to all who believe and those who do love Him will listen to learn from Jesus the commands relevant to them. The Holy Spirit is come now to meet with believers so they can learn all that is from Jesus even beyond the beginning of His teachings found in new testament scripture. These teachings include commands and truth but also marvellous promises of personal neighbourliness toward believers who obey by God and Jesus along with partnership by Jesus who is Lord over Creation that is Nature. The truth sets them free.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Keep it Real

Let's keep it real. We need to let the Lord Jesus guide our feet into that right path and He starts with the worse failings first and rewards progress there with Spirit given for s little faith and repentance then He and we as a body of believers together can build on that. This is His promises at work.

Life of the Inner Man

It is the inner man that is either still of Satan or of God. The inner man that loves doing hateful or dishonest things is still of Satan. People might have to do things at times that are evil but the inner man that is of God hates to do that. The person who loves to lie and loves to feel they have made a believer lie or hate or harm another is still devlish. The person reborn by the transformation of the inner man by words of life and spirit from Jesus the Christ and by action of the Holy Spirit sent in Lord Jesus' name is of God. This person has fellowship with those who are transformed the same way and some have fellowship with God Himself. They can choose to leave their fellowship with each other and with God or be drawn away from this fellowship. To God it is then as if they have died but they can be brought back to life by making a decision to stop straying like this and seek fellowship again with God. God can make that happen. He can do so in answer to the prayers of their brothers - the others born of spirit of God too. The person who sees it and prays for them is answered by God giving the one born of God life again. They were a child of God but they became as if they were a dead son or daughter by leaving fellowship with the Father. This need not be a permanent 'death' because God can bring them 'back to life' by granting them to repent and decide to stop straying in their actions and have a change of inner man again and seek to regain fellowship with God. God sonship is therefore permanent but death is possible yet temporary. And what if nobody interceded? Jesus too intercedes. He ever lives to do so, thankfully. Only in the extreme when all measures by God to bring back to fellowship a very persistent and  stubborn wanderer are exhausted does a person permanently leave fellowship.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

When was the Book of Enoch really written?

Some say the Book of Enoch was not written by Enoch around 3000 to 2500 BC but by a pretender around 300 BC. So how, if the writer of the Book of Enoch was born a few hundred years BC, would he have known that the emergence of these things happened in 3000 or thereabouts BC? Face painting, idol making, magic arts, divination, writing, weaponry such as maces, alloys using copper and antimony, warfare, worship of angels and demons and demi-gods (half human, half god - or half human, half angel), sorcery, etc. These appear in archaeology of the time. How would he know it appeared first in the Hermon area and spread out from there throughout the next few hundred years? How would he know it happened just before the time of the Flood recorded in the Sumerian King List? How would he know there were seven kings up to the time of Enoch starting with Adam (Alulim)?

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

First Aid Good Samaritan

To those new to religion, I recommend focusing on the concept of good samaritan, known the world over, and getting first aid training helps build confidence to help - say when there has been a road accident - even if it is just to help guide traffic around the injured person if they are in the road, say. I find first aid training along agreed lines encourages people to read the situation and prevent further harm and get help or get involved with others helping - it helps make you what Jesus - and the god who he called his father - wants you to be - or perhaps you are already. Not an expert in religion but a good samaritan.

Jesus is The Lord

The Lord Jesus - He could overwhelm you with power and awe. Knock you too the floor as if dead. Keep you prostate like that till He was ready to let you get up. Get into a depth in your mind you never knew you had and overcome - override - your will. Lord - that He is. Lord over the fabric of the space and time that your body and mind occupy. Your heart beats because He lets it beat. 

What Sorts of Things The Spirit Says

This is a quote from the Book of Enoch which Jude said is Enoch's genuine prophecy

 The Book of Enoch Chapter 2

"Behold, he comes with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all the carnal for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done, and committed against him. "

When I heard tongues and received interpretation of it the same as the speaker of tonguesxalso received it said "Look at the trees how they produce their buds and leaves: They do so by the authority of the Name of the Lord Jesus..."

Enoch went on (Chapters 3 and following):  Observe ye everything that takes place in the heaven, how they do not change their orbits, and the luminaries which are in the heaven, how they all rise and set in order each in its season, and transgress not against their appointed order. Behold ye the earth, and give heed to the things which take place upon it from first to last, how steadfast they are, how none of the things upon earth change, but all the works of God appear to you. Behold the summer and the winter, how the whole earth is filled with water, and clouds and dew and rain lie upon it.  Observe and see how (in the winter) all the trees seem as though they had withered and shed all their leaves, except fourteen trees, which do not lose their foliage but retain the old foliage from two to three years till the new comes.  And again, observe ye the days of summer how the sun is above the earth over against it. And you seek shade and shelter by reason of the heat of the sun, and the earth also burns with growing heat, and so you cannot tread on the earth, or on a rock by reason of its heat.  Observe ye how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit: wherefore give ye heed and know with regard to all His works, and recognize how He that liveth for ever hath made them so. And all His works go on thus from year to year for ever, and all the tasks which they accomplish for Him, and their tasks change not, but according as God hath ordained so is it done. And behold how the sea and the rivers in like manner accomplish and change not their tasks from His commandments'.    

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Few Saw Jesus Die

There were only a few at the cross' foot to see Jesus die and mainly John gave testimony. So how reliable is the testimony of John? A fair question given the import and the many who say He never died. The testimony of John is surely as reliable on what we cannot personally attest to - like Jesus actually dying in front of human eyes - as it is about things we can attest to. Think of the promises Jesus gave that are fulfilled as people love Him and serve Him. The promise of being honored by God. Of God and Jesus making themselves known and dwelling among such disciples - Emanuel - God with us. Of answers to prayer in His name. Of miracles greater than those He did. To those who receive the fulfillments of these promises and live real life by Jesus the testimony is verified so yes, we believe Jesus did die and died for you too.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Critical View of Living by Mosaic Law

This is to cast a critical eye on living by the Law of the Old Testament, thinking that it will result in success and the kind of righteousness the commands in the Law portray: the NewTestament scriptures paint a picture of that being a failed approach and in fact the way to end up with a righteous life like the Law portrays is to first keep the sayings and commands Jesus preached (albeit He included some of the Law commands in that but went beyond others like replacing 'eye for eye' with 'turn the other cheek') resulting in birth of spirit, then keeping His commands still and His truth that you come to know during the rebirth by Spirit. The result is you protect yourself from wrong doing as empowered by the Spirit to do so. This is a successful approach and tesults in a righteousness which fulfills that seen in the Law.

God Raised Jesus and Now I Have an Eternally Living Saviour

When God raised Lord Jesus from the dead it wasn't just in love for Jesus, His Son, but in love for me  too who needs a Saviour. An eternal ever living Saviour. You too?

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

His Glory with God from the Beginning

Does an age of archaeological discovery of the Chalcolithic Age combined with ancient texts mentioning a Son of Man throw light on the identity of the Christ?
How does modern archaeology of the Sumerian Levant combined with ancient texts related to that time throw light on the mystery of the person of the Christ? The texts of ancient Sumeria are constantly being translated and throw up new insights into religion of the time. One text not among them but similar to some has accurate details of the Chalcolithic period not known until recently so perhaps warrants review. This is called the Book of Enoch. This text records that a prophet and king of the period saw a person with God called the Son of Man. Could this be the heavenly person with whom Lord Jesus Christ thousands of years later identified Himself?

In my personal research looked at places and times of emergence from 3500 BC onwards of human dolls and magic-related objects. They appear later in time the further you get from a single place. They appear in finds earliest near the region of the border between Lebanon and Israel. They appear latest in Egypt to the south (Pre-Dynastic) and Cyprus to the north. They are abundant in finds near the coastlands and lowlands of east Israel and Gaza. The focus is Hermon between Israel and Lebanon. How would anyone late in Israel's history know this pattern lay hidden to be discovered recently? They would not. So how would a writer if pseudepygrphal of the book know to say the angels that introduced magic and the like started out from Hebron targeting women of the vicinity and their teachings spread out from there to malign the world? It suggests that this was what Enoch in Sumeria truly taught at that time. So the Son of Man was with God at that time too. Look too at metallurgy. It is in Enoch's book that it spread along with the magic arts and artefacts, and along with face painting for beautification. This is the case in the finds. As Enoch said the adding of antimony to make alloys of greater strength than copper were spread having been introduced at the same time. This is found in places like described here . Face painting objects appear in Predynastic Egypt with mirror-like shiny polished decorated pallettes for it and we all know they painted the edges of their eyes from that time. Modern archaeology attests it but it would not be known long after it happened in such detail, surely, to have caused this book to be so accurate if written late in Jewish history.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Experience versus Stance

Experience versus Stance. 

Most or all of the scriptures are experiences of others recorded for our learning. If you can have the experiences yourself then have them. Compare them with scriptures to help you learn from them but be wary about how you use those scriptures cos you can misunderstand them. God is greater than our hearts and knows everything. Stances are for manekins, experiences are for the living. Experience tells me Jesus is alive somewhere and reaches me - and I need experience to understand and cement that faith, no stance. Stances cause divisions into parties.

Here is what Apostle Paul said -

"My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, assuming that I will somehow reach the resurrection from among the dead."

Charles Wesley's hymn:

 "Jesus, lover of my soul,  let me to thy bosom fly,  while the nearer waters roll,  while the tempest still is high;  hide me, O my Savior, hide,  till the storm of life is past;  safe into the haven guide,  O receive my soul at last!   

Other refuge have I none;  hangs my helpless soul on thee;  leave, ah! leave me not alone,  still support and comfort me.  All my trust on thee is stayed,  all my help from thee I bring;  cover my defenseless head  with the shadow of thy wing.   

Plenteous grace with thee is found,  grace to cover all my sin;  let the healing streams abound;  make and keep me pure within.  Thou of life the fountain art;  freely let me take of thee;  spring thou up within my heart,  rise to all eternity." 

Experience of tongues with interpretation teaches me: 

In the winter the deciduous trees have just a stance and look dead but each spring they come alive with buds and how? By the power of the Lordship of Jesus Christ! Tongues taught me that!

Blessed is the Father who is God and gave resurrection and eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ the Lord.

Christians Beware

Beware a belief it is possible for humans joining together to combine their powers and human spirit to go it alone without any god or spirit of a god? This might become a powerful enemy of Christians all over the World and might be headquartered in Europe, and Britain in particular.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Have Faith in God

Almost two thousand years ago disciples of Lord Jesus Christ recorded His teaching that faith can move mountains. So disciples today are still faced with this challenge; are they exercising such faith and moving mountains by it? You have to flex faith like a muscle. You can do it - you just put doubts out of your head. It takes a struggle to dismiss all those people saying 'it won't work' and take it on trust from Jesus 'God will work'. Try it. You might fail a few times but that is no crime. It is a good fight. Helps when you start with certainty - something you can be certain God will do. Then say it. Tell that thing which you believe God will make happen for you 'Happen!' and dispell all doubt against it until it has happened. If you start with something you have word of God and perhaps also Spirit of God within urging you to believe God is willing to do it helps. Years ago I told someone who knew my struggle that I was convicted that my discipleship was only partial because I hadn't learned the miraculous side of Jesus' teachings. I read books and one helped a lot with short passages of what Jesus promised written out big so you could sit and meditate on each promise. I let them fill my psyche and it made me a new person really - positive in hope and faith in Jesus. Then I heard preaching about telling the mountain to move as Jesus taught. I had terrible pain from a burn on my finger with a nasty burn blister and I couldn't concentrate as he preached yet I knew this was a message I should hear from God so here was the opportunity to show faith as Jesus said. I shut my eyes as I took in the teaching of what Jesus said and then in certainty without doubt told the pain and burn "Go". The pain went instantl and I carried on listening to a great preacher preach God's word as Jesus gave it. The struggle was fierce against thoughts people would tell me 'it will come back - you are imagining the pain has gone' but I succeeded putting the thoughts away and believing still. After the sermon I looked and the blister was gone. The pain had never come back. A physical change like that struck me as power of the Creator by which He made all things. I used this faith over the years and saw wonders.

What is God Like?

To know God it is best, it seems to me, to let Him show me what He is like. All true. I know that much. He never lies. His Spirit supports truth and truthfulness in a pure way. Light with no darkness in Him: So John wrote in his first epistle. That is consistent with what He shows me of Himself. I might not know Him brilliantly but just a little but He is very kind - I find that - very powerful - nothing can be impossible for the God who does what He does - He really 'digs' His Son Jesus and wants me to do so too. In my book that makes Him a seriously good father to Jesus and One willing to be father to feeble idiots like me. I know He gets down and dirty cleaning our lives up by revealing Himself to us before we are clean all over and before He has granted Jesus righteousness to take us over. We just need to repent of lying and badly hating and believe His true teachings enough to do so. He promises to clean us when we cannot clean ourselves and He did that to my lying habit. The rest is promised. This all makes Him good. Jesus is just like Him in ways He behaves. Yet scary is what He is too. But He protects fearsomely too. Who but He can defeat and contain the evil of one of the greatest of the powers He created. He has invested all this scariness of power in the Man who became a child having been Lord over the Highest Angels - Jesus. They control the future as Revelation says and that includes the immense scariness of the deepest Universe. Of course scary. Resurrection is scary. Eternal service to Him as Eternal Master is scary but thrilling and immensely comforting to know a Master can be over me for all eternity so I never need lose my dearest Boss. Yes He is awesomely authoritative and kind and lives forever and is very dear to me especially as He biticed me individually and showed Himself and His Son to me directly. How dear that makes Him - God and the Son of God

Faith to Move Mountains

Almost two thousand years ago disciples of Lord Jesus Christ recorded His teaching that faith can move mountains. So disciples today are still faced with this challenge; are they exercising such faith and moving mountains by it?

 Jesus replied to them, “Have faith in God. I assure you: If anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, all the things you pray and ask for—believe that you have received them, and you will have them."

You have to flex faith like a muscle. You can do it - you just put doubts out of your head. It takes a struggle to dismiss all those people saying 'it won't work' and take it on trust from Jesus 'God will work'. Try it. You might fail a few times but that is no crime. It is a good fight. Helps when you start with certainty - something you can be certain God will do. Then say it. Tell that thing which you believe God will make happen for you 'Happen!' and dispell all doubt against it until it has happened. If you start with something you have word of God and perhaps also Spirit of God within urging you to believe God is willing to do it helps. Years ago I told someone who knew my struggle that I was convicted that my discipleship was only partial because I hadn't learned the miraculous side of Jesus' teachings. I read books and one helped a lot with short passages of what Jesus promised written out big so you could sit and meditate on each promise. I let them fill my psyche and it made me a new person really - positive in hope and faith in Jesus. Then I heard preaching about telling the mountain to move as Jesus taught. I had terrible pain from a burn on my finger with a nasty burn blister and I couldn't concentrate as he preached yet I knew this was a message I should hear from God so here was the opportunity to show faith as Jesus said. I shut my eyes as I took in the teaching of what Jesus said and then in certainty without doubt told the pain and burn "Go". The pain went instantl and I carried on listening to a great preacher preach God's word as Jesus gave it. The struggle was fierce against thoughts people would tell me 'it will come back - you are imagining the pain has gone' but I succeeded putting the thoughts away and believing still. After the sermon I looked and the blister was gone. The pain had never come back. A physical change like that struck me as power of the Creator by which He made all things. I used this faith over the years and saw wonders.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

An Old Command and a New Command

We have it from God that there is Israel by descent from Abraham and then there are children of Abraham by virtue of being children of God's promise. John 8 shows these are distinct. Jesus has the same command to both: to love God and thus to love Him. John's epistles show a new command too: to obey the truth. I submit that the truth to obey is this: that the Abrahamic promise relates to children of the promise and to bless the children of the promise is to bless Jesus and the Abrahamic promise is then that those who do so will be blessed.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

The Way

Love The Lord, Jesus and therefore keep His commands. Receive what He promises those who do so. Know Him and The Father because of His promises being fulfilled (Him showing Himself to those who love and obey Him and His commands). Know the truth that doing good to those who do these things is doing good to Jesus and returns back in blessing on the blesser (The Abrahamic Blessing). Live by this truth and obey it as a command (this truth itself is a new command). Receive knowledge you / we are knowing Him in the fact we keep His commands. And so it continues as we continue in Him with eachother in this love and promise and knowledge and obedience He teaches.

A Key to Knowledge

'Speaking in tongues' is the most objective of the spiritual gifts and signs of God's new covenant in Christ because it requires interpretation and the possibility exists of multiple people receiving the interpretations which can corroborate each other. So very strong certainty is possible when this happens. It still needs faith but can introduce to us truths objectively as strongly as scripture. Scripture passages too can corroborate one another and this too gives the possibility of strong revelation. In my experience without these corroborations it could not be known that Jesus was with God creating the Universe of nature with Him since the very beginning of Creation. Just a few scriptures tell it - too few to be unambiguous enough for certainty. Tongues allows me personally to bridge the last gap in faith to understand this truth. That shows it provides very strong revelation on a par with science in its objectivity. Of course, if you happen to be blessed enough to be one of the recievers of the interpretation it gives additional secret possibility of certainty. You have an additional objective and subjective source of truth. You have an additional objective and subjective source of truth. With this power comes responsibility to believe the truth or you might be stealing the keys by being given the key to enter and not entering and so preventing others from entering. By believing the truth the receiver of the secret key needs to use it to enter then help others to enter. 

Testimony of Proof of God: Objective and Subjective

Some ask for objective testimony of events I have received that gave me both subjective and objective proofs of the existence of firstly God, who the one we know as Jesus Christ called The Father, then secondly Jesus Christ my living Lord and Master, then thirdly the Holy Spirit. It all started when I was a child and kept asking in prayer to see God. I read the Bible a lot so I heard about God and the Son of God and the Spirit of God. I got prayers answered all the time so I knew He loved me but my father was a pastor and my grandparents missionaries and I was under pressure to preach. Even when I received the Holy Spirit it was in a vision telling me to 'build the Temple' or as I regard building the new covenant temple or Body of Christ - to preach and prophesy. So I took it on as a calling to preach. Yet I complained to God a verse in scripture shamed me by the phrase "they do not know what ... they so confidently affirm" and over and over I prayed to God to show Himself to me and since I believed in there being Father and Son and Spirit I asked to see Father and Son and Spirit enough to preach with true knowledge. I did add that seeing Jesus with my eyes would reduce my blessing because Jesus had said "You believe because you have seen me; blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe" so I wanted to not see with eyes but be shown without actual physical seeing. John taught in the Gospel of John that Jesus promised to those who obey His commands and teachings that He Himself and the Father too would show themselves to those people so I audited my life against His teachings to check I obeyed. Then I kept asking God for these revelations and from the Spirit too who I knew could be manifested in gifts like speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues. Eventually I think it was the end of 1994 or the start of 1995. Before the second Gulf War. I was earnestly asking to find the right wife too. One night after praying for this I had a vivid dream more vision than dream. One like a man or like one of those ancient Greek gods you see in films stood there before me in a long robe to His feet and said "I am God". He told me the next day at work a document of sorts with many names on it would be put on my desk in front of me (this would never normally happen because I simply dealt with invoices and they were put in my intray not on my desk)    "Look at it!". The feeling of certainty it was God the Father was great so this was subjective proof to me of His existence and knowledge of Him but objective proof came in the day. At the end of the day around 4pm with few left in the office a girl brought a card and circulation envelope with many names on the card signing it as a greetings card and on the envelope to go around all the people in the office. I knew it was the dream fulifilled. I barely remembered to look at it closely but when I did I saw a note saying it had to be back to Janet so-and-so by 4pm. I remembered the dream somehow had mentioned her name too but I didn't know her. ai rushed it to her. Last minute! she said. It had to be back so she could get it to the man (a marvelous prophetically gifted man who worked next door and wowed us with poetry from time to time) who was getting married and the bank holiday was next day. It saved the day that I got it to her. God saved the day. Then a couple of weeks later I was reading a Psalm about going out and seeing the works of God, the destructions He has wrought. There were floods of the nearby River Severn (UK - I lived in Bristol). The River Avon went near my house and I thought it my be flooded too. I had read God "Presides over the floods" so to obey the psalm I went out in torrential rain to look at the river to see it in flood and think of God. A large golfing umbrella held off the torrential rain. Yes it was in full flood. I marvelled at the power to affect ordinary lives and judge and thought Jesus is now judge over all and presides over judgments of God. As I walked back up a hill from the river - Blackswarth Road I think it's called - a powerful voice of authority spoke clearly in my mind (not audibly) "Put down your umbrella!". So I did as commanded and as I put it down (cars driving past me in torrential rain on s busy street) the rain stopped so quickly it was like not a drop would have touched me. I just knew, subjectively, it was Jesus Christ, thinking immediately how the Gospel of John says after His resurrection He did something just like that to show Himself, risen and well and still the same with all the more confident power, to His disciples as they fished and He stood on the shore and commanded them from the shore. This was Him! I knew it. I wanted objective certainty because it might to others and to me questions later be an angel and not a humdred percent certainly Jesus Himself so I said later as I went to bed that night I wanted proof confirmation objectively. There was a dressing gown hung on a nail in the wall and nothing else in the room. I had moved into the house quite poor with few possessions. The dressing gown had always been on that nail and never off it to use it. If it was Jesus may it be off the wall by the morning. I went to sleep in peace assured He could do it to prove it was Him who had spoken to me. In the night I suddenly awoke with utter compulsion deep in my deepest psyche to get up immediately. I got up and started leaving the room and for the first time since moving into that house took the dressing gown off the nail in the wall. As soon as I did it I remembered the sign I had requested. I knew not only was it Jesus I had encountered but His power to awaken me like that was what made people call Him Master and Lord - He certainly is. I had utter certainty inside. Objectively I know all this happened too. Now weeks went by and I was occassionally going to church but didn't like the hypocrisy and lack of faith. I repeatedly told people I was seeking greater power of the Spirit in a church I might find as the epistles of Paul demonstrated to me. Then a visiting leader of both churches and local governments in the area visited and maybe was told what I was saying but he ended up telling me I should come with him to a church where I would certainly find the Holy Spirit. He took me out of Bristol to a Pentecostal church. As he drove me there a heaviness was filling me with seriousness. I reckon the Spirit was upon me. I the service a leader spoke into a mic. It was other worldly how he spoke during the worship time after singing led by a music group. It was tongues. It was clear words but of angels not men. Unlike earthly languages but real sentences easily distinct and miraculous sounding. As I listened it welled up in me as spirit within. I started to see a vision. I heard English words within. Not words I ever heard before but in line with the vision running across my mind. Words of mystery and power from heaven and God it seemed. Objectively there was proof. The speaker switched to English and his words were a perfect match in meaning to the words and vision within me. Further proof was needed - spirit yes, miraculous yes, but certainly of God? The proof was in the words - they were didactic. Teaching a mystery not in the Bible per se. This was not cribbed from a Bible passage I knew coming back to me and to the speaker simultaneously. It was new truth to me but scripture proved it true by saying a spirit telling people Jesus is Lord is a spirit from God. The words were along these lines (vision of trees budding) "Look at the trees how they bud and put forth their leaves: They do so by the power and authority of the Name of the Lord Jesus" It went on with a bit more I forgot in my wonder. Now I was assured of Father and of Son and of Holy Spirit. Around that time I started courting the lady who would become my wife too. God had answered all my prayers. Now I must proclaim Him and His truth - subjective and objective.

Friday, 5 February 2016

What is Truth?

What is truth? Although not a rhetorical question and often asked cynically, here is what truth is in a Gospel context. Truth is primarily the testimony of God who does not lie. Secondarily it is the testimony of those who because of God's truthful testimony and truthfulness have determined to only be truthful too. 


Consider when God appears to people in dreams. It is really Him. He may look clearly like God. He says the words of God. But is God ever seen? God has a way of appearing without it being the kind of appearing He told Moses could kill someone "you cannot see my face and live". I reckon it must be a kind of avatar thing. I wonder if that is what the 'Angel of God' means. Like at Jesus' baptism - Peter said it was the Angel of God which spoke such that it sounded to many like thunder. Yet it was God speaking God's words. Clearly when you awake from seeing God in a dream like Ananias did who was sent to Saul of Tarsus (Paul), you know God exists outside the dream and the dream is an instrument like a TV broadcast to let you hear God but God does outside the dream what He says in the dream - He is real. So it IS God but not such that we could die. Maybe this can happen physically in form like a human and maybe that happened to Jacob. Jacob wrestled with a man all night and then found he had been wrestling with God. It does happen. I reckon Jesus is always involved but it is not necessarily Jesus who is seen.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Reading and The Truth

To get to know truth we have to follow Christ (adhere to His teachings) so He will give it to us. This might come through reading but not much use reading without following Christ for learning the truth.

Abrahamic Children of Promise

The Abrahamic Promise and Abrahamic Blessing is misunderstood. People think God meant biological descendants would receive it. Jesus refuted that (see John 8) and so did His Apostle Paul (see Galatians 3). It is His teaching from God that by becoming the true property of Jesus you become a descendant of Abraham by Spirit, not biology. You then inherit the promises God gave Him and those who bless you God blesses and those who curse you are accursed. There are whole nations who have missed this and have formed mistaken policies in my opinion.

The Name that is Mightier than the Sword

The blood of Jesus the Lamb of God is so powerful to plead with God for His interventions to end the worse evils. Any attack is addressed by invoking (calling on, crying out even quietly) the Name 'Lord Jesus'. His name is mightier than any evil. Some evils might need prayer and fasting too He said. Doing this instead of resorting to anything violent or aggressive can keep a gospel worker functioning effectively at peace without blood guilt. King David was not allowed to build the Temple because he had been a champion and then king who had shed blood of God's enemies. We need to be kept from this is we are to help build the Temple with Christ.

Overcoming Fear of Death

Let's not underestimate the hindrance fear of loss and death is to doing good. People do not want to commit to courses of doing good to others when it might put their own lives in danger. This might be because of love of family but even those without close family ties can find risking their lives or major loss to help others impossible due to insecurity about death. The resurrection when certainty of it is inspired by the Holy Spirit based on the truth He leads to of the resurrection already of Jesus now alive from the dead has power to give the security such people need to do more to more fearlessly help others in serious need.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Nationality as Religion?

If a nation tries to have a national religion and identify with it as if it is reason enough for individual eternal life, what they could end up with is national hypocrisy - the yeast of the Pharisees and Scribes, as Lord Jesus Christ put it. Every person needs to find their eternal life the right Way, not through their nationality.
Do unto others as you would they do to you. Treat them like they were you. The Golden Rule is God's (the Father's who Jesus preached) and those who make God their one God are the ones who will keep it in a special way - they will keep it because they love the Father who commands it. The true Christians will keep it in the name of the one whose ministry led to their ability to keep it and to make the Father their one God: the name of the one they make their one Lord, Jesus the Christ. The Holy Spirit will lead them to do so.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

The God

It seems a person adhering to the fame of a god through narratives told about that god plus experience of that god has a duty to do the will of the god unless the narratives are false or overrated. If the narratives are true and the experience of the deliverances by the god real then the will of the god is done if the fame is due it. In the case of the God of Christians and Jews and Muslims the boxes are all rightly ticked and the will of God should be done by His adherents in loyal devoted service. This particular God's will is kindness and holiness together first and foremost with love towards Himself and those who are His family. This extends to Jesus His Son but mainly Christians accept this. Those who make a god The God are accepting that the god's reputation warrants it. In the case of the God of Christ and Israel and Muslims He warrants it by His reputation in powerfully saving His servants. In the case of Christians who make God the Father for themselves The God, it is their place to admit they do so because of Jesus and all they know of the truthfulness of this God's narrative through Jesus. They bow the knee to this Father as for them The God in the name of this Jesus in whom is known the salvation of the Father and worthiness to be The God for them. It is irrespective of existence of any other gods. For them it becomes all about one God, the Father. This happens through the Son of God helped by the Spirit of God. The works the Son has done in coming and showing the Father in all He did and said then starting a new covenant of God with His disciples by dying on a cross by crucifixion then rising from the dead and ascending back to the Father and working with those He sent to tell and show the world - all this accomplished a believer having the ability to put a face to the name God the Father then make this Father for them The God.

Monday, 1 February 2016

The Holy Spirit

I wanted spiritual gifts all my life and eventually God heard my prayers and a local leader took me to an AoG church where he said I would receive what I so earnestly sought. At the meeting we went to a leader gave a message at the mic in tongues. So beautiful the words and not babble but real angelic sentences in a definite language but out of this world. I had a feeling of pressure on me which was the Holy Spirit and as each sentence was spoken it inspired pictures and  English words in my mind which were a glorious prophesy about the glory of the power of the Lord Jesus' name and authority and how trees bud and produce leaves by it. I'd never heard such things. Then the speaker stopped and started speaking n English and his words were the very words I heard. I reckon this was interpretation of tongues. It is a gift. It is not itself tongues but was great and certainly the Holy Spirit. Since then I heard Him speak to me too and prove to me it was Him. I never spoke in tonges but it sure is the Holy Spirit God gave me.


Christ is Lord. Christ will come. Over the mountains and the deep blue sea. 

Up through the valleys. Over the mountains. Over the mountains and the deep blue sea. 

Christ is Lord. Christ will come. Over the mountains and the deep blue sea.