I wanted spiritual gifts all my life and eventually God heard my prayers and a local leader took me to an AoG church where he said I would receive what I so earnestly sought. At the meeting we went to a leader gave a message at the mic in tongues. So beautiful the words and not babble but real angelic sentences in a definite language but out of this world. I had a feeling of pressure on me which was the Holy Spirit and as each sentence was spoken it inspired pictures and English words in my mind which were a glorious prophesy about the glory of the power of the Lord Jesus' name and authority and how trees bud and produce leaves by it. I'd never heard such things. Then the speaker stopped and started speaking n English and his words were the very words I heard. I reckon this was interpretation of tongues. It is a gift. It is not itself tongues but was great and certainly the Holy Spirit. Since then I heard Him speak to me too and prove to me it was Him. I never spoke in tonges but it sure is the Holy Spirit God gave me.