To know God it is best, it seems to me, to let Him show me what He is like. All true. I know that much. He never lies. His Spirit supports truth and truthfulness in a pure way. Light with no darkness in Him: So John wrote in his first epistle. That is consistent with what He shows me of Himself. I might not know Him brilliantly but just a little but He is very kind - I find that - very powerful - nothing can be impossible for the God who does what He does - He really 'digs' His Son Jesus and wants me to do so too. In my book that makes Him a seriously good father to Jesus and One willing to be father to feeble idiots like me. I know He gets down and dirty cleaning our lives up by revealing Himself to us before we are clean all over and before He has granted Jesus righteousness to take us over. We just need to repent of lying and badly hating and believe His true teachings enough to do so. He promises to clean us when we cannot clean ourselves and He did that to my lying habit. The rest is promised. This all makes Him good. Jesus is just like Him in ways He behaves. Yet scary is what He is too. But He protects fearsomely too. Who but He can defeat and contain the evil of one of the greatest of the powers He created. He has invested all this scariness of power in the Man who became a child having been Lord over the Highest Angels - Jesus. They control the future as Revelation says and that includes the immense scariness of the deepest Universe. Of course scary. Resurrection is scary. Eternal service to Him as Eternal Master is scary but thrilling and immensely comforting to know a Master can be over me for all eternity so I never need lose my dearest Boss. Yes He is awesomely authoritative and kind and lives forever and is very dear to me especially as He biticed me individually and showed Himself and His Son to me directly. How dear that makes Him - God and the Son of God