
Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The Truth of God sets Free

Although God requires none of the Gentiles to think they are law-bound to keep the Law of Moses found in old testament scriptures like Deuteronomy or Leviticus or Exodus, He does require that those He has ransomed by the blood of Jesus Christ His Son keep the command to love Him with heart and soul and mind. His commands are to Gentiles given through Jesus Christ to all who believe and those who do love Him will listen to learn from Jesus the commands relevant to them. The Holy Spirit is come now to meet with believers so they can learn all that is from Jesus even beyond the beginning of His teachings found in new testament scripture. These teachings include commands and truth but also marvellous promises of personal neighbourliness toward believers who obey by God and Jesus along with partnership by Jesus who is Lord over Creation that is Nature. The truth sets them free.