
Saturday, 10 December 2016

BC or AD?

There is an inheritance shared by most that we have enough difference between years Before Christ and years Anno Dominus (Years of Our Lord) that years of history can be numbered by this demarcation. Yet for so many the lifestyle lived is more appropriate for years Before Christ. The difference between BC and AD should be that humans acknowledge there is now reason to accept we should acknowledge we belong to a person The Christ ('al-Massih', if you are Muslim) who has come as Christ and now is Lord over us. Some Muslims might be led to object to the reason given by Christians for this Lordship which is that Jesus died by crucifixion and rose again having bought believers with the blood He shed and body broken, but it is still so widely known that it demarcates years BC and years AD. So why do so many all around the world live like it never happened. Why not live as those now completely owned by this Lord and Christ? Why, for one thing, live like that ownership only warrants occassional religious festivals, as if He, the Christ had never come and we were still living in years BC?